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3rd person view:
31st of July xxxx (18 years old)

Everyone was sleeping well that night. Okay Motoya and Atsumu may or may not have been up until 4 in the morning because they were playing stupid games. The others weren't bothered by it. They couldn't hear them, the walls were soundproofed so it wasn't a problem. Due to the walls Osamu was also the only one that knew what happened to Rintarou.

Osamu was really worried. As much as he heard he had to deal with it for seven years already. He didn't even want to imagine how many hours of sleep the boy got if that happened seven years ago. The boys all were 15, well except for Motoya, so he thought it was a really long time. Half of his life he had to live with sleeping troubles. That sounded crazy to him. Not like it wasn't.

Rintarou has never gotten so much sleep in his life. They went to bed around half past 8 and he slept until 10 in the morning. He woke up for 45 minutes because... yeah, but it still was more than ever. When he woke up he was still in Osamu's arms and Osamu was still asleep. He carefully unwrapped himself from the taller boy's arms and stood up.

When he looked into the mirror he almost started to cry. He hasn't seen himself looking this healthy in forever, he couldn't even remember how his face looked without eye bags. It was the first time in years that he didn't have to apply make up under his eyes. Of course he still had slight bags under his eyes but you could barely see them if you don't pay attention to it.

He got ready quickly, took his phone, which was thankfully charging, and went to the living room. Kiyoomi was already sitting on the couch and was more than surprised that his cousin was only up now. It was obvious that he had just woken up.

"Since when do you wake up at this time? You're always the first to wake up."

"Since I slept."

"Did you have a healthy amount of sleep?"

"More than healthy. Around 13 hours."

"Including the hour before dinner?"

"No. I slept 13 hours over night. I woke up for almost an hour once but I still slept that long."

"That's nice. Do you have make up on?"

"Only my eyeliner. But there's nothing under my eyes."

"They're still slightly visible but if you don't look at it you won't notice."

"I guess. Should I make breakfast or should we just let Osamu do it?"

"Do you really want to do it or why are you asking?"

"I don't want to but I'm hungry and who knows when that guy wakes up."

"Wait, he isn't awake yet?"


"I thought he just stayed in the room to check if you were alright or some."

"When I woke up he was still asleep."

"Let's just wait for the others."

"Planed on doing so."

The older boy sat beside his cousin, of course with a distance between them, and they both focused on their phones. After half an hours Osamu came down too. Rintarou just decided to wake the other two 'cause he wanted to eat.

He went to Motoya's room and saw Atsumu laying spread up on the floor. Motoya was laying in his bed like he just flopped down face forward.

R-'What the fuck happened here?'

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