Puzzle (epilogue)

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YouTuber and streamer 'foxlike', one of the most hyped in Japan, and also pretty hyped in other countries due to him making english content. That very fox-like boy, who hasn't revealed much more than his first name and relationship status, was currently live streaming 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD'. And that certain boy being the now 29 years old Rintarou. Miya Rintarou.

R-"In all honesty, Ghirahim is probably one of the best Skyward Sword, if not even Zelda bosses. The fact that you fight him first, seventh and last is kinda lame thou-"
He was interrupted by someone knocking on the door.
R-"Wait, gimme a second guys."
He quickly muted himself and told whoever was knocking to come in, even if he knew exactly who it was.


R-"Yes sweetie? What is it?"

Ri-"When's dad coming home?"

R-"He isn't going to be back until very late at night."


R-"Why are you asking?"

Ri-"I miss dad..."

R-"I know that you do, and I do too, but you can't forget that dad has to attend these meetings sometimes. And unluckily he had to go for a week this time because he had more than one meeting."

Ri-"I know papa, I just miss dad a lot."

R-"Is there anything you want to do that would make you a bit happier?"

Ri-"Ah, I know! I want to finish the dino puzzle!"

R-"Alright, let me just end the stream and then I'll work on the puzzle with you. Get everything ready and I'll be down in a second."

Ri-"Okiii, thanks papa!"

With that the little girl rushed downstairs to get the puzzle out and Rintarou went back to the stream to end it as soon as possible so he could spend the time with his daughter. She of course wasn't his and Osamu's real daughter, it just wasn't possible for them to get a daughter with their own genes, so they adopted a girl that looked similar to both of them. Her name is Rikka and she's 5 years old.

She has around the same hair colour as Rintarou and grey eyes like Osamu. Just like every child she had a rather round face and in addition a mole on her right cheek and pretty close under her nose. Those were little features that made it easier to explain that she wasn't their real daughter.

In everyone's eyes she's a total angel. Well, neither Motoya and Iizuna, nor Atsumu and Kiyoomi adopted a child, so she was one of the most important treasures to not only her parent's generation but also everybody else. Why the others didn't adopt a child was easy to answer. Atsumu and Kiyoomi didn't really have enough time to raise a child and Motoya and Iizuna weren't quite sure if they wanted a child, they weren't married like Motoya's cousins either so that only added to it.

Rikka understood that money isn't a problem in the family but she didn't get spoiled either. The three of them were just living in a little little house with enough space to comfortably live in. Rintarou and Osamu never wanted to spoil their child with anything but love, and they held onto that. She only got spoiled with love and nothing else. Okay maybe she got spoiled with good food thanks to Osamu being a chef, and she could also play video games pretty much every time she wanted to thanks to, yeah, our dear Rintarou.

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