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3rd person view:
13th of August xxxx (15 years old)

All of them got woken up at 4.30 in the morning. Even the Miya twins had to wake up that early, but the cousins didn't know about that. The only thing they knew is that they were all mad as hell because they stayed up pretty late to play Mario Kart. Sometimes, like that time, they could even convince Kiyoomi to play with them. Normally only Rintarou and Motoya would play until late at night, or better the morning. Kiyoomi wasn't mad at his cousins for convincing him to play like expected, he was just mad that they had to wake up that early.

What shocked them the most was why they had to get up that early. It was unexpected that they were invited to a business trip. Normally only the older generation would attend those meetings in other prefectures, they never took their sons with them before. Those meetings were always between 5 big companies talking about cooperations. And due to the meetings it always ended in business trips for at least 2 weeks. The families attending this year were the Sakusas, the Miyas, the Kuroos, the Terushimas and the Sawamuras. Most of the time it would be them. Someone had the idea to bring the next generation to the meeting.

Kiyoomi was definitely not pleased to be in one room with 5 company bosses, their secretaries, and at least one guard per boss. Then the next generation of the other companies only added to that. He had to be in one room with at least 19 people. It disgusted him but he had to deal with it, he wanted to take over the company after his father's death, hopefully earlier than that, after all.

The other two didn't have to attend, which made them really happy. But the surprise they got, they had to attend a public school in the time they're at Tokyo. Their familiy's company runs in Hyogo, the only company of the companies at the meeting that was in Tokyo was the Kuroos' company. So if the youngest generation had more than one person the others attended school together. It was weird for them, they were homeschooled their whole life, so why change it now? It was so 'they met new people', at least that's what their parents told them.

Motoya didn't have a problem with meeting new people, he liked making new friends. But Rintarou didn't like the idea of that a single bit. Social awkwardness was saying hello at that point.

So there they were, on their way to school. They were going to attend Itachiyama high for the next two weeks and they were surprised how big the school was. Of course they saw schools before, only because they're homeschooled doesn't mean they haven't seen some, but they never were that big. Walking to school was the first thing they did. They arrived at Tokyo and immediately had to go to school.

Another thing they found out on their way to Tokyo, they were going to stay at a hotel room with another person. Of course they were thinking they'd share a room but no, it had to be someone from another family, and of course they couldn't choose. They had to wait until they're at the hotel to see who they were sharing the room with.

When they arrived at school they went in to get their schedules. A boy immediately came up to them and asked them if he could help.

?-"You're new right? There was an announcement yesterday saying there were going to be new students. Do you need help finding the principal?"

M-"Uh- I guess?"

?-"Okay then, follow me."

Of course Motoya did the talking. Rintarou wasn't going to talk and he knew that. The other people with them were Osamu and the youngest son of the Terushimas. His name was Kenji. They were just following the boy to the principal's office and a lot of people looked at them. Rintarou tried hiding even more now. He was a slouch bag, he sure was, but his head never was as low as then. He hated the attention. Even though he hated the situation he was in he still had a expression on his face as if he was saying 'gross'.

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