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3rd person view:
17th of July xxxx (15 years old)
Miyas residence

The Miyas were in the car on their way back home. The twins' parents told them that they were just going to drop them off at home because they had to go somewhere. They didn't have a problem with it so they just waited until they were being dropped off.

As soon as they were in the house Atsumu started talking.



"Do you think good looks just run in their family?"

"I think so."

"I wish I was that good looking."

"Have luck with that."

"But that guy with the black eyes though."

"There were a lot of people with black eyes."

"I mean the one of the cousins."

"That Kiyoomi dude?"


"That's your opinion."

"Well then what's your opinion?"

"None of your concern."

"Yes it is!"

"And how?"

"You're my beloved little brother."

"Beloved. Sure. Besides, there is no little brother between us, we're twins."

"But you're the younger twin!"

"By what? 5 minutes?"

"Pretty much?"

"You're stupid."

"Just answer the question!"

"It's none of your concern!"

"Oh come on. It's not like it's something bad to think that one person is good looking."

"Why do you even want to know?"

"Because you said that it's my opinion. That basically says that you think it's someone else."

"You won't shut up until I tell you, right?"


"I still don't understand why you need to know."

"Just tell me!"

"That guy that literally slept the whole time."

"Do you even know his name?"


"Well then what's his name?"

"Suna Rintarou. Compered to you I can remember names."

"I guess that point goes to you. I really can't remember names."

"No shit."

3rd person view:
Next morning, children's residence, 18th of July xxxx (15 years old)

Rintarou woke up to a lot of notifications. He hated waking up to notifications. It just didn't sound good to him to wake up and check notifications. One notification, okay, but if it's more than 5 he would throw his phone agains the wall. Okay he didn't really do that, his phone is one of the most important things for him. That day there weren't many but he was in a bad mood. Well he didn't really have another chance than to just go through the notifications, so he did.

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