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3rd person view:
14th of August xxxx (15 years old)

Osamu and Rintarou's room was extremely nice, they really liked it. The only problem was that they had to share a bed. Not like they haven't before, it was just unexpected. And Rintarou's mind was slightly going crazy because of it. First he gets flowers from Osamu, and then he has to share a bed with him. That gave him some, let's say weird feelings.

They got up and got ready. Rintarou surprisingly got some more sleep. He didn't really think much about it, he thought it was just because he was away from all the memories that were living in their house. The two just made their way down to the entrance of the hotel to wait for the other two there. So they waited for them a bit when they could finally see the two more lively people approaching.

R-"Took you long enough."

M-"You're extremely pissy since we're here. Why is that?"

R-"'Cause I'm really annoyed by Kenji."

T-"I'm still here."

R-"You can go, I didn't ask you to be here."

T-"Sorry, grumpy."

O-"You should meet their cousin if he's grumpy."

T-"Their cousin?"

M-"The one that's attending the meeting is our cousin. He isn't that grumpy, he just doesn't really like people."

R-"Maybe that's because of his phobia."

O-"But only maybe."

M-"It's scary how you two can get along like that."

R-"Unlike two other people in this group he isn't annoying."


R-"I hope it burns trough your skull. Maybe it can take the place of your braincells. Wait, do you even have those?"

M-"Yeah, yeah, love you too."

R-"Can you go love someone else? Love that Iizuna guy or someone."

M-"That's a good idea."


M-"He's good looking."

T-"Can we just go?"

R-"Only if you wait here for another 10 minutes."


R-"No need to tell me, it was supposed to be."

T-"How can you be so mean?"

R-"Maybe I wouldn't be as mean if you wouldn't have annoyed me during all of our classes so much."

They started walking and of course Kenji tried defending himself.

T-"It wasn't that bad!"

R-"And now you're raising your voice again. It would be very nice if you would just shut up."

M-"Maybe you should really be a little nicer."

R-"Not with him. He annoyed me the whole time yesterday. Just asking stupid questions and wanting attention."

M-"Is that true Kenji?"


O-"You should stop that. An annoyed Suna is not a good Suna."

R-"I'm one step before killing everyone in this group."

M-"Can you kill me first?"

R-"Nah, I'll kill myself first."

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