Chapter Five

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We walked into the lunch hall, grinning uncontrollably, but keeping a safe distance between ourselves: we didn’t want Amy having a heart attack if she saw us holding hands. Sitting down, Amy eyed us, suspicion clear in her green eyes.

“Hey, guys,” she said slowly. “Where have you been and why do you look like you’ve just heard Twilight doesn’t really exist and it’s all a bad dream?”

I laughed but Sam looked perplexed so I explained that Amy had this incredibly passionate hate towards the Twilight franchise and frequently voices this opinion.

“I had to talk to Mr. Wallace and bumped into Sam on the way here,” I explained. Amy wasn’t convinced…  She continued to throw me looks full of scepticism throughout lunch but I was all too preoccupied with the fact that Sam’s arm was occasionally grazing against mine, causing goosebumps to appear.

“Lily, you know how much you love me?” Amy said, with a glint in her eye.

“What do you want?” I responded, chuckling.

“Well… I’m seeing Harvey later and-”

“Harvey? Who’s Harvey?” I asked, shocked.

“Just this guy I’m seeing…” She averted my gaze and looked down at her sloppy lasagne.

“Amy Carter, why was I not aware of this?!” She always told me about her endless escapades with guys so why not this one? Something about the way she was shifting uncomfortably in her seat made me uneasy about this Harvey guy.

“I’m sorry, I just- I don’t- never mind. Anyway,” she babbled. “Dearest Mummy Carter isn’t too fond of me going out on a school night and I was wondering if I could use you as a back-up please? You know, cover me if Mum phones or something or…” She trailed off and I saw a slow blush make its way into her cheeks.

“I don’t know…” I hesitated. I was stuck between doing the right thing and doing what Amy wanted – no, needed – me to do. She begged me with her eyes and eventually I caved. “Fine! Fine. But only if I can take you to meet Harvey.” She looked nervous… Something was definitely wrong.

“Umm… You don’t need to do that really. It’s okay-”

“No. I’m taking you. If I don’t like him, your mum will soon hear about this.”

“You wouldn’t!” She gasped.

“Watch me.” 

Amy stuck her lip out and pouted while she pondered my proposition. She certainly wasn’t happy but she reluctantly agreed.

“But then you leave. Promise?” She stuck out her little finger and I linked mine with hers. She tried to let go but I gripped harder, staring at her intently.

“Don’t do anything stupid, Ames.” She raised her eyes to the heavens and looked to Sam.

“Honestly, you’d think she was my mother!” Amy exclaimed. Sam snickered and nudged me saying,

“Give her some breathing space, Lily.”

Was everyone against me?!

“Good grief! You’d have thought I’d said she had to wear a chastity belt! Which, come to think of it, might be a good idea…”

Amy looked outraged and pointed a finger warningly at me.

“You dare, Banbury, and I will tell lovely Sam here all about your teddy collection- whoops!” She teased, looking falsely innocent, a hand over her mouth. I felt my face burn. Nice one, Amy.  Sam guffawed with laughter and placed his muscular arm around my shoulders, making me redden further.

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