The Dream

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I was being chased; chased down a corridor that was getting narrower and narrower. I could sense my predator edging closer to me with every yard I ran. I couldn't get away. I didn't want to see what or who was chasing me in case the sight of them scared me more than the fear of being caught. By now, my elbows were scraping the sides of the walls, skin being torn off, my shirt ruined. My heart rate picked up significantly as I began to panic, wildly praying for an exit, a way out. No such luck. I had no choice but to carry on squeezing my way down the ever decreasing corridor. I felt the breath of my predator on my neck.

"Lily, it's me. It's okay; it's me."

I forced myself to turn around: Sam.

I screamed. His face was changing, morphing into an entirely new person.


"Your dad's left."

And again, it was changing, contorting, twisting.



And finally, a face that scared me the most. The eyes a perfect copy. Apart from... No, the colour was different. It was an accentuated blue, light and piercing and far more terrifying than the real thing. He lurched towards me and grabbed me around the waist, placing a gun to my head.

"'Ello, dear. Don't ever, ever get between me and her again, ya hear?"


And he vanished. The corridor returned to a normal size and began to fill with people: students. I was at school. Amy ran up to me, blood running down her face, but she was grinning, wider than I've ever seen her smile before. There was a manic glint in her eye.

"Lily, look! Look what Harvey did! Isn't he wonderful?"

She was pointing to a slash across her forehead. I reached over and tried to stem the flow of blood with my sleeve but that only caused it to bleed more. Amy grabbed my wrist, digging her fingernails into my flesh.

"Let go. Let go. Let go!"

Her voice had changed: it was as though two people were speaking. Amy and Harvey as one were talking to me.

I started to scream again, then I felt strong arms gripping my waist pulling me back through the corridor the same way that I'd come. I caught a glimpse of my captor's face: Sam. Only this Sam was different. He was gaunter and there were dark circles under his eyes. I saw a collection of small bloody dots on his arm and knew at once that they were needle holes.

I was outside now. Rain pelted my face like bullets.

My chest exploded with pain.

The rain was bullets.

Blood was seeping into my clothes. The white of my shirt was now red. The red flush on my cheeks was now white.

I was dying.


Weird, I know, but I like it....

This "just came to me" when I wrote it. It's different, sure, but it was just a dream.

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Happy holidays!

Meg x

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