Chapter Fifteen

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After dropping Mac off at nursery on Monday, Thomas, Sam and I all headed to school. We decided that Sam would be leaving at lunchtime to pick her up and would go back at his flat, leaving Thomas and me to walk home at the end of the day.

The usual groups were in their usual places in the school grounds. Thomas spotted his friendship group and wandered over to them, having told me he'd meet me later. Taking a deep breath and desperately squeezing Sam's hand, we walked through the gates and up to the entrance doors.

"Hey, Lily?" Sam said.

"Yeah?" I replied, distracted.

He bent down and whispered in my ear. As he did, I could hear him smiling.

"My hand's gone numb, sweetheart."

I laughed nervously and slackened my grip, but still didn't let go. I needed him, especially today. I was so worried about Mac and Amy and Harvey finding us and -


Somebody called Sam's name and I turned around, hoping it wasn't who I thought it was. Sure enough, Michelle Grey was standing there, arms folded, looking every inch the stereotypical high school bitch. Her eyes were stony and were flicking between me and Sam.

"Hi Sam," she said. "I'm having a party on Friday. I'd die if you didn't come. So you have to." She flicked her hair in what I guess was an attempt at being 'seductive'. I had to hold back a laugh at her ludicrous behaviour. Surely she had noticed my hand still in Sam's.

"Umm, yeah, I'd have to sort out a babysitter and of course Lily has to come, but sounds fine..." Sam replied, hesitantly.

Michelle sighed overdramatically, as though the thought of me coming to her party was such a burden. Bitch.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever makes you happy," she giggled and winked. She actually winked at Sam. I bit my tongue, determined not to laugh. "See you around, babe."

Cringing at the word 'babe', we watched her as she wiggled away to join her equally annoying posse. Imitating her I turned and faced Sam, placing my hands on his chest.

"Come on, babe," I drawled. "We're going to be late and I'd just die if that happened."

Sam was in stitches, laughing so much that we attracted quite a few stares.

"Sure thing, let's go," he replied, trying to compose himself. As our laughter died, the panic settled back in. What if I bumped into Amy and she looked even worse than when I'd last laid eyes on her?

However, as we walked into our form room, there was no sign of her. In fact, I still hadn't seen her when lunch time rolled around and Sam kissed me goodbye. Realising I had nobody to sit with, I decided to skip lunch and stay in the music rooms, knowing everybody would be in the lunch hall. I pulled "Pride and Prejudice" out of my bag and began to read. I was so absorbed in the story, I didn't notice someone quietly open the dolor.


"Bloody hell!" I cried.

I jumped violently and clutched at my heart, looking up to see who had startled me.


She looked down at me, her eyes glistening with tears. All prior worries about any awkwardness or confrontation melted away as I stood up and pulled my best friend into the tightest hug I could give her. I started crying too and soon we were both two mascara-covered wrecks. We stopped embracing and I looked at her. I laughed. If I looked anywhere near as messy as she did I must look dreadful.

"You look awful," chuckled Amy, confirming my suspicions. I smiled and tried to rectify my smudged makeup.

"Hate to break it to you, Ames, but you don't exactly look like Britain's Next Top Model."

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