Chapter Four

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I woke up the following morning to the sound of my alarm, eyes sore from crying. I really hate that alarm.  Thoughts from last night came flooding back and I remembered Dad but swiftly forgot him, sticking to my promise.  I was in a less than cheerful mood as I left for school with a piece of toast hanging out of my mouth, slamming the door behind me.  I loved walking to school by myself. It gave me a chance to think about everything and anything, and that morning I had thoughts only for Sam the closer I got to school.  What would he think of me today? Maybe yesterday was just a fluke and the other girls had convinced him to play a joke on me.  It was likely: the girls in my year don’t like me much but I don’t know why. But I had Amy so I wasn’t complaining.

I reached school perfectly on time for the first time in about a year, so Mrs. Watson thought the clock was broken and left the room to get a maintenance man.  I looked around the classroom, just as I had done yesterday, and saw Sam. Beautiful, funny Sam.  He smiled and nodded at the chair next to him.

“Lily! Hi! Remember me?” Amy shouted. “Stop giving him the eye and talk to me! Your best friend, yeah?”  I gave her the finger, which made Sam laugh.  I walked over and plonked myself down, hopefully more elegantly than it felt.

“Morning, sunshine,” he said in a low voice. I swear I’m not lying when I say I shuddered. 

“Morning,” I replied. “Got any friends yet?” What a stupid question. Why would anybody ask that?
“Yeah, I’ve met this one girl who seems okay. Bit weird though,” he said, smiling.

“What’s her name?” I asked, wondering who this girl could be.

“I can’t remember. It was something like Rose or Daisy…”

“There’s a Daisy Pullman in 2B?” I was really confused now. I couldn’t for the life of me tell if he was joking or not.

“No, I remember now: Lily.”

I laughed and covered my face with my hand, embarrassed at how stupid I could be.  Then what he’d said before caught up with me.

“Weird?! I’m not weird!” I protested.

“Really? How many times have you asked people if they have friends?”

He was looking me right in the eyes, giving me his intense stare.

“I’ll have you know I ask people that on a daily basis.”

“Well, that further confirms my point, you massive weirdo.”

I would have been offended if he wasn’t smiling, a mischievous gleam in his eyes. He. Was. Perfect.  I heard the scraping of a chair and looked up to see Amy grinning at me. Don’t say anything, Ames, please.

“Morning, lovebirds. How’s the nest?” She giggled. Sam looked embarrassed. I pushed Amy off her chair. 

“You little sh-”

“Amy Carter, sit down,” barked Mrs. Watson, with the maintenance man, Trevor, traipsing along behind her. He looked up at the clock, down at his watch, then said, “It works,” and left the room. Man of few words, I see. Great man, Trevor, great man…  The old troll stared at me, eyes squinting, clearly not believing the fact that I was on time.  I smiled innocently back. Amy was sitting behind me, kicking my chair to get me back.  She knew how much I hated when people did that. I was about to turn around when Sam whispered,

“How are you doing?” He was still giving me what shall now be christened the ‘Sam Look’.

“I’ve been better, I guess.” Looking down at my scuffed trainers, I felt my face crumple slightly at the thought of my estranged father.

“What’s up?”

“Oh, it’s nothing really. Don’t worry about it.”

He touched my arm gently, sending shockwaves throughout my body.

“Hey, look at me.” 

I did and, boy, was he looking at me, the ‘Sam look’ coming into effect very well.

“If you want to talk about it… I’m here, you know.” He blushed. Adorable.  I smiled sadly and whispered my thanks before old Watson launched into her tirade about how many uniform complaints she’d received from teachers about our form already.  I zoned out and picked at the two week old chipped nail varnish that coated my chewed fingernails. 

The rest of the morning passed without event, seeing as Dave was in all of my lessons and Sam and Amy were in none. However, the memory of Sam’s eyes kept me going. Upon reflection, I realised there was an infinitesimally small amount of pain hidden behind those golden flecks…

I was the last to leave the French lesson because my troll of a teacher wanted to speak to me about extra tuition (which I don't need),  so by the time I left the corridor was empty as everyone was already in lunch. Well, not everyone. I found Sam waiting for me outside.  He definitely was a sight for sore eyes, as Mum would say. With his bag slung carelessly over his shoulder, he sauntered over to me, grinning lopsidedly.

“Hey, Banbury,” he said. “How’s it hanging?”  I burst out laughing at that ridiculous phrase.

“I have no idea how to answer that question,” I giggled. He stood directly in front of me and stared me straight in the face.

“Then I’m afraid our new-born friendship must cease here.” He turned and walked away. Even though I knew he was joking, I panicked, reaching out to grab his hand to stop him. He stopped alright. My hand was tingling and, from the way he was looking at his, I could tell that Sam was experiencing the same feeling. We gazed at each other with a sort of longing in our eyes.  He stepped towards me until his nose was about an inch from mine, took my face in his hands and whispered, “Lily, I do believe we’re in quite a bit of a sticky situation.”  

What was happening? I’d only known him a day and a half. How could I feel like this? How could he feel like this?  As a thousand doubts crept their way into my head, a million reasons why I didn’t care overpowered them.

“Yes, Sam,” I replied, breathlessly. “We are well and truly done for.”

And then he kissed me. Right in the middle of the languages corridor. Sam was kissing me. And it was wonderful.  All prior thoughts about my dad, school and everything were totally and utterly obliterated from my mind as the sensation of his lips upon mine confirmed it all: I was completely and irrevocably in love with Sam Murphy. 



Now, I am well aware that this is quite unrealistic but it feels right and shows how in love they are. Yes? please? okay good :) 

as always, let me know what you think!

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Meg x

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