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Ximena's POV

The fight had taken a while, but luckily, my pack and my mate emerged victoriously. As soon as Lorcan had put me down and shifted back, I ran to Faolan to see how badly injured he was. He was in the infirmary, bruised and battered from the fight; both his eyes were purple and blue, and his lip was busted, spilling blood. Judging from the spots on his arms and paleness, I could also assume that he may have broken some bones too. Regan was sitting by his side, and I was shocked to see the pure vulnerability in his eyes. He was speaking to Faolan in Irish, barely whispering; surprisingly, the Delta was awake and talking. Lorcan was following me, and despite the lack of emotion in his body, I knew that he was silently worried for his friend. I coughed to alert them of my presence, and Faolan burst into a great big smile as I approached. I'm sure it must have hurt to do it, but his arms also stretched out, signally that he wanted to hug me. Crying, I ran to him and held him, muttering curses in Spanish. 

"Luna, thank you." Hearing Regan's voice made me turn around to see the wolf; instead of jealousy swimming through his eyes, it was gratitude and respect. "If it weren't for you, Faolan would have been killed if you had run like he told you to." I nodded and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"I wasn't going to leave him at all." Then, I turned to the fallen wolf, and he started to speak.

"God, you were amazing out there; I was surprised that you held them back that long." Lorcan growled lowly, and I turned to see the anger in his eyes. 

"How dare they even touch you; despicable bastards." Speaking of despicable bastards...I asked, 

"Where's the red-head?" My mate's eyes grew dark with anger, and without another word, he exited the room, leaving behind a thick silence. I looked at the two mate and asked, 

"Where's he going?" Faolan's happy face shifted into a troubled one in seconds. 

"Mena-I mean Luna, follow him. He might do something he regrets." Regan nodded as well. I obeyed their orders and ran after the man. But, as I left the building, I realized that I wouldn't be able find my way around. The whole pack was out and about, and I was sure that they wouldn't know where the "torture" chamber was. I started to walk around, looking for the pack house when I heard a yell of pain. Instinctively, my head turned to find some teens beating up another guy. From what I could see, they were probably fourteen at most; they obviously had ganged up on their victim. I felt immediately protective of the kid, and next thing I knew, I yelled, 

"Oy, pendejos!" (Hey, assholes!) The boys jumped and turned to look at me; I knew they knew who i was, and visible confusion filled their eyes. The victim also looked up, and instead of the gratitude I was expecting, there was anger and annoyance. "What the hell do you guys think you're doing?" The tallest one, the leader, straightened up. He had messy brown hair with freckles framing his face. His brown eyes immediately made eye-contact, and I took that as I challenge.

"We're just straightening out this little pussy." With that, he kicked the victim in the gut, illiciting a groan of pain from him. Wincing, I retorted,

"Well, it's not really a fair fight. I mean, talk about lame. I'm sure you're super proud of yourself." He blushed with anger. With a smirk, he answered, 

"At least I'm doing something, and I can make a difference in a fight. You had to be taught everything. We saw the fight with the Alpha's brother. Talk about lame." My anger came back, and my vision went red. All I wanted to do was throttle him, but I reminded myself of my new Rank. I had to set an example, no matter the amount of disrespect. Holding back a nasty word, I answered, 

"Well, considering the fact that I'm a human, I think I'm doing pretty damn well." A sickly sweet smile lay on my face as I continued. "And, may I remind you that the Alpha happens to be my mate? Say some little punkass decides to piss me off. I could always..." I didn't bother finishing the thought because I knew the message came across. Yes, I felt stupid for using Lorcan as a threat, but hell, I felt like being immature at the moment. He ran off with his friends, leaving behind the whelp. I tried to help him up by yanking on his arm, but he pushed me away. Surprised, I looked at the kid and saw that he reminded me of Regan very much with the icy blue eyes and cold expression. His sandy brown hair was dirty with the dirt, and his clothes were dirty as well. "Kid, come on. I'm trying to help you." He said in a cold voice, 

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