Leaving for Freedom

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The moment I woke up in the morning, I checked my phone, seeing a text message from Michaelangelo.

If you're smart, you won't come to the Dragon around seven-o-clock tonight.

The Dragon was one lof the busiest pick up places for the drug business; bunches of people, dancing, drinks. A murder can happen in there, and no one would know. But seven? I looked at my watch, and the clock read 11:00 AM. Geez how was I gonna get out of here? I barely knew how to arrive here, let alone leave! I gazed out my window at the cave leading to the town; two guards were always there, shifts changing constantly. I had seen these werewolves in a fight, but something told me that that wasn't a real one. I was terrified of seeing these guys give it all out. First thing I needed was my gun though; I would have to sneak it past Lorcan. Now, that was impossible. I briefly considered the possibility of going without a gun, but I shot it down immediately.

Sighing, I reached to scratch my neck when a stinging pain shot up my fingers. I gasped, and I tenderly palpated the wound, scared of seeing it. After swallowing my courage, I examined it in the mirror. What was once a small wound was now a black and dirty mess. I trembled at the ugly spot on my skin, and tears fell down when the thing stung again.


Crying out, I tried to answer, but I was distracted by the frantic knocking on my door. Thinking it was Aleks, I ran and opened the door, ready to show him what he did to me when Lorcan appeared looking freaked out. He grabbed me and checked my arms, head, and hips asking,

"I felt your pain; what's wrong, Mena?" I couldn't answer that though; i was too transfixed on the gun just taunting me in his pants. His eyes followed me gaze, and he merely chuckled. "I've never met a girl so desperate to have her gun back, despite the fact that she doesn't even know how to use it." Excuse me! I was about to start yelling at him when Declan appeared.

"Luna, are you alright?" I nodded softly. Lorcan answered,

"She's fine; she just decided to use our bond to her advantage so she could get her gun back. Anyway..." He turned to me. "I'm going to be at a meeting with another Alpha, and I'm having Declan watch you." I whispered,

"What do you mean by 'watch me'?" Declan just grinned.

"I'm gonna babysit you; apparently, he doesn't trust the other members of the pack to NOT jump you." Jump me? What the hell was that supposed to mean? Right before I could ask, Lorcan kissed me on the forehead and murmured,

"Afterwards, I'm all yours, mate." The way he said my name brought tingles up my spine, making me momentarily forget about my pain. Then, he left the room, leaving me alone with Declan. He shut the door, and he immediately stopped smiling. Instead, his eyes were cold and calculating. He grabbed my shirt and yanked it down, saying,

"Now let's see that bite mark." I tried to shove him off, but he succeeded in seeing the blackened spot. He sharply exhaled, and then he glared at me. "The mark has become infected; makes sense." He sighed and shook out his curls. "We have to tell the Alpha." With wide eyes, I hissed,

"No! Wait, how did you know about it?" With a mean glint in his eyes, he growled,

"Aleks told me everything. I know that you're the new Boss for the Montoyas." Of course Aleks told his brother. "As Beta, I have to let him know that his mate is in pain." Beta? At my confused expression, he said, "Second in command."

"Ah...Well, we can't tell him. He'll kill Aleks; I've kinda realized that there is a possesion complex with him-" He cut me off with a thundering growl.

"DO YOU NOT THINK THAT I KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN? HOW DO YOU THINK I FEEL ABOUT MY LITTLE BROTHER BEING AT RISK?" He shoved me against the wall, and before I could knee him in the balls, he just pointed at my Mark and hissed. "That was supposed to belong to HIS MATE; instead, some poor girl out there is facing an unbearable pain because Aleks decided to play hero. Now, you're the Alpha's Luna. You are just a worthless human with baggage. You have no idea what you've put my best friend through; he's been feeling your emotions since the day you were born. Now...you're a weakness for him. If anything happens to you, he's lost. The best thing for you to do is leave. Here!" He threw a gun at my feet and spat out, "Just get the hell out of here." Then, he stalked out, leaving me in shock. Trembling, I picked up the gun and placed it in my boot. I turned to the window and opened it, letting the cool fall air get in. What should I do? I thought of the Mark on my skin; Aleks would definitely find out that I left. What would that do to him? I sat on the window sill and allowed my legs to dangle off the edge, and as I prepared myself to jump, I felt a bolt of love flash through my body. Immediately, the name "Lorcan" was on my lips, just begging me to say it. What would me leaving do to him?

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