The Truth Won't Set Me Free

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It's hard to explain what it feels like to die. I suppose that I should have an idea since I'm always putting myself into a life-threatening situation these days. But right now, it's undescribable. I focus on the frantic beating of my heart as I watch the darkness consume me, and intense regret pierces through my soul. I may have not known him for long, but Lorcan unndeniably had an eerie and sultry effect on me. I hated to admit that I can be thrown off, but it's the truth. I could have had something with him; what if his claims were true? What if I could have stayed safe in his arms and home? Perhaps, I could have saved Rosalina, Belinda, and Nubia? So many possibilities.

Soon, my heart began to slow down, and I inwardly smiled. The end was almost over. I was going to die. Despite my impending doom, I could still sense Aleks through our link, and I decided to speak to him one more time before I was gone. As I was preparing myself, the connection felt strange and unstable.

Aleks, I'm gonna die...just do your best to save my sisters. Take them with you; Lorcan will have to allow it. And tell him...I didn't want to leave...

I received silence in return, and small tears brimmed in my eyes. Until...

Please don't do this, MENA! You can't die; just keep hanging on! I'm coming!

Another voice screamed in my brain, one I could only identify as Lorcan's. Some consciously, I felt someone grip my waist, and panic breached my veins. Would I be able to wake up?

The cold air of the forest woke me up, but I couldn't open my eyes. It would hurt too much. Wait no. I just couldn't. I couldn't push myself awake. CRAP! My body fell on the ground, and I heard a scuffle, before warm delicious lips assaulted my own. This feeling was so surreal! Finally, a warm breath caused my senses to explode, and I opened my eyes. My lungs greedily gathered all the air it could, and my arms grabbed at everything it could. I croaked out,

"Aleks?" I don't know why I said his name first, but I suspected the bond was at work. My best friend came into my line of vision, and I warmly smiled. Then, I remembered. My body pushed itself up, and I tried to run. But someone else grabbed me; judging from the welcoming warmth, I knew it was Lorcan. Something scared me though. The desperation he emanated gave me such power, but I wasn't able to register it in my mind. He spun me around, and I flinched at the pain stricken expression in his eyes. Deep betrayal and anger plunged my existence, but at the same time, relief and joy covered my heart. This would never end until I told this man the truth.

"Mena, why did you run away?" The way he spoke brought shivers on my skin, and I couldn't answer. "Why were they trying to kill you?" I heard Aleks try to speak, but a thundering growl silenced him. Gathering strength, I boldly said,

"I ran away because this is my world. I was never meant to be at your pack." I shook out my hair somewhat and stood up. Now, I could see that Declan was among us, wearing a faux concerned expression. "My name is Ximena Montoya, and I'm the leader of the Montoyas. Two days ago, my father was killed." Tears piled up, but I continued. "Since I'm the oldest daughter, it was my place to rule. I immediately sent my sisters away, but we were attacked and..." I looked at Aleks and smiled. "Aleks saved me and took me to his home. He then told me that he could hide me in your pack." I felt the Mark burn, and I knew it was time. I yanked down my dress to reveal the Mark; Lorcan gasped, and I felt his fury. "I was supposed to be pretending to be Aleks' mate; when they put me into the mating dance, I never thought that I would actually have a mate. Then, you popped up." I gazed at my mate and hesistantly placed my hands around his face. He moaned softy, and happiness burst in my heart. It seemed like there was no one but us; his eyes gazed at my own, and I did the same. Then, I felt him, every thing about him. Devout adoration and loyalty rang through his body, and I felt myself getting high off the feeling. didn't change anything. "Lorcan, I left not just because of my Mark. Declan told me that now I was a weakness for you...and I thought it made sense to leave-" I was interrupted by a strangled growl, dripping in venom and anger. My mate was changing again; his hair grew longer and I saw his fangs grow as well. He whispered to me,

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