Epilogue: Centuries

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Things have changed in the last two weeks. And I mean a lot.

We finally managed to reach a happy medium with Rosalina and Declan; I agreed to allow her to live with Declan as his mate, but I put my foot down on consumating the relationship. She was a fifteen year old year; I wasn't going to having her children so young. Declan then proposed that they waited till she was eighteen. By then, she would have been an Adult, able to make her own decisions. Both Lorcan and I agreed, and that was that. I hope the next three years go by slowly.

Belinda and Nubia was adjusting really well to the Pack; already the thirteen year old was training with Braden and his group. I've seen the girl fight, and boy, is she a force to be reckoned with. Faolan's become her mentor, and I can't wait to see her progress. Of course, I hope it's a while before she finds her mate. 

Naomi was formally adopted by Lorcan and me after we held a council meeting. Usually, orphaned wolves didn't find new homes since many wolf couples can't and won't form a maternal/paternal connection with them. Sure enough, no one stood up to claim her, so I did. I knew it was a totally impulsive move, but I don't regret it at all now. Thankfully, Lorcan wanted her as well, so now we were living as parents. Naomi became the Alpha's daughter, and we're beginning her training soon. 

As for the Mob, I would never be able to enter the human world ever again. Since I'm a Luna, I've become a target for other packs, and NO ONE was risking my safety for merely visiting my old home. This posed a problem. We made a decision after days of arguing and fighting: Michaelangelo would act as the second in command while I was still the Don. I'd still be aware and informed of what was going on, but he'd be taking care of it. I would only intervene when needed. I still go the profits and everything else. And this time, Mikey wouldn't be returning alone. 

All that time that Jess would give him strange looks and whatnot, I turned out that she had thought she was mated to him, but in reality she was mated to Renee. And Lottie, the green eyed werewolf we found, was bonded to Mikey. When he offered to go to the Mob, I grew worried that whatever child they had would be a werewolf, but Lorcan asssuaged my fears. Whenever a werewolf and human mated, the child would take the form of the father, therefore reassuring them that their children would be human. I asked Renee whether he was interested in going back, but he kindly rejected the offer. He was safe and happy inside the pack with Jess. 

As I watched Mikey and Lottie leave, the wind whistled in their direction, thus spreading their scents away from me, the Pack. I looked around my pack, thinking to myself. A year ago, I would have thought I'd be here; I would have probably been training harder and harder to take over for Dad, and I would have never met Lorcan. I'm a "wolf", mate, Luna, and, now, a mother.

"Mommy!" Hearing Naomi's voice call for me from the house, I ran in smirking. This was my future, my destiny. 


I loved writing this story with you guys, and I can't wait to start the next one! 

If you want to read the next book, follow me so that when I post it, you get an automatic alert! Keep reviewing and voting! Love you all!

~ Bella

PS: Taming the Luna has been posted! Check it out! :)

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