Bound to Him

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Hearing these words made my head spin; my ears began ringing, and my body started to shake.

Ximena, your father is dead.

Ximena, your father is dead.

Ximena, your father is dead.

Ximena, your father is dead.

Those words echoed in my head, leaving a sick ache in my stomach. I looked up and towards my family. They were all gazing at me with a sense of hopelessness; I realized that this meant that I was the next Don. Taking control, I asked,

“Where are my sisters?” My cousin Armando piped up.

“They were picked up from school two hours ago; they are safe.” I nodded sharply.

“Well, everybody, start looking for a safe haven for them. If they killed P-Don Juan, they’re going to be the next targets. Have they been told of what has happened?”

“No, Ximena.”

“Alright. Get working!” They all left the room, allowing me to have some privacy. Taking a deep breath, I called, “Rosalina, Belinda, and Nubia!” The three girls ran down from their rooms and towards me. The eldest, Rosalina or Rosie, ran up to me and hugged me tightly. The fifteen year old asked,

“What’s going on? Hermana, donde esta Papa?” I fought back the tears threatening to fall by gazing at my sister. She was a tall young woman with luxurious red hair and green eyes; definitely the most beautiful in the family, she had already been asked out many times, but she rejected them all, claiming that he wasn’t the “One”. With a deceivingly innocent disposition, she proved to be extremely handy with knives. I closed my eyes and murmured,

“Dad’s been killed by Tio Eduardo.”  It was the first time I had ever revealed the culprit in the murder; there was no doubting it that he did it. She gasped in horror, while Belinda and Nubia froze in confusion. Rosalina fell to her feet, sobbing quietly while Belinda fought the truth. She was thirteen years old and the most unruly of us all. With no doubt, she had taken after me as a ruthless and tomboyish girl; she had butterscotch blond hair and blue eyes, contrasting with her tan skin. Unlike Rosalina, she had more potential as the next leader. I remember my father mentioning that she would be a force to reckon with when she got older.

“What do you mean? I thought Dad kicked out Tio Eduardo; Papa can do anything-”

“Belinda, he’s dead!” The harshness in my tone cut her off. She fingered softly the hand gun hidden in her boot. She opened her mouth and angrily said,

“I’m coming with you to kill Tio Eduardo!” Rosalina wailed,

“What do you mean? We all have to go into hiding, Ximena included!” I sighed softly, and I could feel her hard gaze on me. “You are coming with us, right?” Looking up in the sky and cursing softly, I shook my head. I was surprised to have a full grown girl throw herself at me and knock me into the couch. I started yelling,

“WHAT THE HELL!” She screamed back with tears soaking her perfect face as she punched me.

“YOU ARE MY ONLY FAMILY! I CAN’T LEAVE YOU!” She broke down sobbing on top of me, making me hold my own back. I had to remain strong for the family. After gently pushing her off me, I walked to the youngest, Nubia. The ten year old hadn’t said a word since I revealed the death. With short black hair and brown eyes, she was adorable holding her teddy bear. I slowly approached her, but she ran back up the stairs. I would have followed if my grandmother hadn’t said,

“Ximena, un gringo esta pidiendo por ti.”Aleks. Without another word, I walked outside and found my best friend leaning on the porch, wearing a somber expression. He obviously heard what happened; with no hesitation, I ran into his outstretched arms and sobbed my sorrows out. He held onto me tightly and whispered soothing words of comfort into my ear. As I clutched Aleks, I faintly heard a wolf howling far away; maybe there’s one out there who’s feeling just as bad as myself.

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