Good-Bye Ximena Hello Luna.

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As soon as the new arm dragged me further away from the God that's supposedly my "mate", I woke up. How was this possible? What was a mate anyway? I saw Aleks running, and I followed.

Aleks, what's going on?

Mena, you're in big trouble-

I was all of a sudden yanked backwards into his hard chest and, for the first time, I felt safer than I had ever been in my life. In his arms, I felt like Eduardo could never touch me; Aleks never let me feel like this. I was about to sigh in contentment when I heard an animalistic growl,

"SHE'S MINE!" Aleks cowered from his voice, obviously in submission. It was similar to the way Aleks protectively guarded me, yet there was true feeling in his stance. I wouldn't want to tick him off; Aleks obviously didn't. Whoever this guy was, he was definitely important. But he wasn't important enough to start claiming me as "his." I shoved him away from me and yelled,

"Don't you dare speak to my friend like that! And I'm not a possession; I'm a person!" As I screamed at him, deep hurt and pain was coming into my chest, making involuntary tears fall down my face. I looked at his face and gaped. A look of pure fury was on his face as he advanced towards me. In a raspy (yet, sexy as hell) voice, he snarled,

"Why is there another male's scent on you?!" His nostrils were inflamed, and a nasty growl had left his mouth. Yet, I could only register that he had a slight accent, Irish if I wasn't mistaken. Then again, everyone here was Irish. Then I tried making sense of his words: Another male's scent? Aleks' Mark! I was immediately grateful for the dress covering the bite mark; Aleks had bitten me to make it look like I was his mate, but I was obviously taken by this possessive, arrogant, very sexy caveman of a werewolf. But I had no intention of telling him about my Mark. I stood and glared him in the eye in defiance and hissed,

"Last time I checked, I was allowed to hang out with other males, and that includes Aleks." Speak of the Devil, he jumped in front of me and said,

"Alpha Lorcan, I'd like to say-" He was viciously cut off but a,

"YOU TOUCHED MY MATE!" Lorcan? What kind of name was that? I didn't have enough time to figure it out because he lunged for my friend so quickly, knocking him to the ground. He started beating him up, and something inside me snapped. He was hurting Aleks because of me! I jumped for the two of them and yanked my gun out. I put in front of Lorcan's chest and quietly whispered,

"If you touch any of my friend, I will kill you." His eyes widened in anger while Aleks began whimpering in fear.

"Mena, put the gun down. It was my fault-" He had placed his hands on my shoulders, and at that moment, I had to thrust myself in front of him to prevent another fight. Right before I could start cussing him out in Spanish, a calming voice entered my ears.

"How about we discuss this in private? We seem to be drawing an audience." I froze and looked around to see that the stranger was correct. Lottie and Jess were staring at me with some sort of sick fascination, and I hated it. I found the owner of the voice and gaped.

There stood a man with the same trusting grey eyes I loved but with all the reason to mistrust. He had soft curls of brown hair and an intimidating height. I gazed into those eyes, and he chuckled. "Come on, Aleks, let's go to the Pack house where you can discuss all this with the Alpha." My best friend nodded and scampered to his feet, knocking me on top of Lorcan. I fell on his chest and immediately felt the warm sparks of comfort. He chuckled and held me tighter, but I managed to push myself of him. As I stood up, I blushed from the stares I was receiving. I was about to put my exposed gun away when my mate promptly pulled it away with a smirk. With his beautiful voice, he murmured,

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