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Ximena's POV

"ALPHA!" We both turned to see Piper running towards us, her eyes full of panic. I noticed a few scratches and bruises on her pale white skin, sending off red flags. I jumped to my feet quickly and lunged for her; tears were streaming down her face, and my Luna instincts turned on. She saw me and immediately ran into my arms. "Luna!"

"Piper, shh...What happened?" I held her close to my body, trying to steady her heartbeat and calm her down. She sniffled a bit before saying,

"The Beta's going crazy. He was sleeping fine one minute, and the next, he just started screaming in Irish. He actually attacked me..." Lorcan came into my line of vision, and I saw the fear in his eyes. I may have not liked Declan, but I couldn't deny that he was important to my mate. He was also an amazing Beta; if only he was a more likable person. "Aleks is trying to hold him down, but he's about to shift-" Hearing the possibility of Aleks gettinng hurt sent my body in hyper drive. I ran to the infirmary faster than I have ever ran before, leaving dust behind in my tracks. My mind was focused on getting to Aleks, and I could feel Lorcan right on my tail. I burst through the doors and gasped.

Declan was beating the shit out of Aleks, but it wasn't the calm and cold Beta I knew. His grey eyes were dark as night, and he was deliriously growling. If I wasn't a Luna, i'd happily run away, but unfortuantely, I was the Luna. Taking a deep breath, I ran and jumped on the Beta's back and wrapped my arms around his neck. Suprisingly, I was able to calm him down somewhat, but he soon realized what was going on, and I ended up being banged against the wall...hard. I saw stars as I fell on the floor, but the adrenaline kept rushing through my veins. I pushed myself up and tried again, this time knocking him on the ground. I yelled,

"Lorcan, anytime now!" Immediately, Faolan and my mate ran to both sides of the Beta and held his arms. Mikey yanked me off the guy and I laughed at the terrified look on his face. He wasn't too used to werewolves I guess. I watched as the Alpha and Delta tied their friend to the bed, while he's screaming,

"They're hurting her! She's in pain! I have to save her!" He actually tried to bite Lorcan, and the concern for him grew.

Why is he acting like this? You never did this-

Mena, he smelled his mate's scent for a second, but his Wolf never found her. They had a brief connection, and he's completely affected by this.

He went back to gazing at his friend, his eyes stormy. Faolan had Regan by his side, looking strong, but knowing the Delta, he was falling apart inside. These three were the ultimate trio, unseparable. Just like my sisters and myself. Seeing them made something warm up inside, so I made a decision. I walked forward towards my mate, only now realizing that we had attracted some pack members. Great, just what I need. An audience. I lightly touched my mate's arm, and he turned to me quickly, giving me his undivided attention.

"Lorcan, we need to find his mate. I want her back in this pack as soon as possible; the pack needs a Beta." His eyes widened as he answered.

"Love, we're looking for your sisters right now. We won't be able to-"

"Then you will stop searching for them and begin searching for the Beta Female." It killed me to say it, but right now, we needed to get Declan back in the game. If we were going to fight against Slater's pack, he was a must. I will have to find Renee and the girls later. Right in this moment, I was worried about calling them; Eduardo might be able to track their location from the phones.

"Are you sure, Mena?" I only nodded and left the place, trying to keep my emotions in check. All I truly wanted was for my sisters to come to the pack and be safe, but that looks like it's not happening. I'd have to find them on my own.

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