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Ximena's POV

I've never known true heartbreak until this moment; logically, this sort of pain shouldn't EVER occur. For humans, rejection is purely emotional. You don't keel on the floor, crying from the literal pain in your heart; that was my pain. Every breath I took hurt, sending more tears down my face. It was so terrible that I almost wanted to die, but I think that even then, I would be still be hurting in the afterlife.

It was stupid and mean and just wrong, I know, but I had to go somewhere someone understood my pain to an extent; after stumbling out of the cemetary, crying and screaming at whoever the hell was out there, I ran to Aleks' home in the human world to stay with Aideen. Surely she heard somewhat what happened, but hopefully, she wouldn't judge too harshly. I remember asking Aleks why his family had two homes, and he told me that the former Beta Female liked to get away from the pack sometimes and just pretend that she wasn't in this world. 

"Mena, you have to eat. Starving yourself will only make yourself worse." Hearing this awakened something deep and angry; a feral hiss left my lips. 

"WORSE! THIS CAN GET WORSE!?" I angrily glared at the food she was offering me and knocked it out of her hand. My stomach scolded me for pushing away the only form of nutrition I've been near for the past five hours, but I bit my hunger back. I had just hurt my soul mate to the point of nearly death; I could stand a bit of pain myself. Aideen looked taken aback, and more guilt flooded my system. I was about to apologize deeply for my actions, but another flash of anger and betrayal pierced my skin like blades. I screamed in agony and writhed on the floor like a snake. There was no conscious thought in my head, and for a moment, I lost myself. I found myself looking at the forest, attacking anything that moved. I was surrounded by Faolan, Regan, Declan, Alexia, and Regina. I wanted to ask what the deal was, but then I was realized that I was seeing through Lorcan's eyes. 

"Alpha, calm down! Shift back, and we can go find the Luna-" I leapt towards the Delta, canines out, but Regan jumped in front of his mate, growling viciously and pushing the great mass back. "Regan, I can defend myself, you buffoon! Just stay back!" He harshly pushed back the overreactive wolf behind him and tried to again to reason with me. "LORCAN! Would she want this?" A thundering scream left through the mindlink, one that made me sob harder. 


"MENA!" I opened my eyes to see Aideen gazing at me fearfully. "What happen-" A loud mournful howl then echoed through the night, making chills run up my spine. My instincts screamed at me to run towards my mate, and I even tried to lunge for the door. Thankfully, the woman grabbed me and held me back. I fell limp in her arms, biting my lip to avoid doing anything that would fix the damage I had caused. "Luna, if you are going to come back to the pack after the battle, you need to eat to replenish your strength-"

"Aideen, I'm not coming back. Don't you understand? I'm going to die. I didn't only get Lorcan to banish me; I got him to reject me so he doesn't feel my pain." She stiffened suddenly and yanked me around so I had to gaze into her eyes. In a tight voice, she gritted out, 

"You left to die?" I nodded softly, and next thing I knew, I was being beaten by a wooden spoon. I yelled in surprise, attracting the attention of Aideen's mate, Shaun. He saw the woman hitting me, and he came to my rescue. I ended up in his arms while he yelled at his mate. 

"Aideen, what are you doing? The Alpha needs the Luna-"

"NO! SHE'S A COWARD! SHE'S LEAVING TO DIE!" In anger, I screamed, 

"I'M LEAVING TO PROTECT MY PACK! THEY HAVE ANOTHER PACK WITH THEM ARMED WITH SILVER BULLETS! EVERYONE WILL DIE!" She looked surprised, and more anger came into me, bringing the dreaded heat onto my finger tips. I left her mate's arms and walked towards her, slowly. "You think I would just leave to avoid a fight? What kind of person would that make me? How dare you-"

"Mena!?" Oh shit, Aleks had found me. Yeah, this was turning out to be a good idea, Ximena. Nice going! My best friend stood in the doorway with Piper standing behind him. They both had simultaneous glares of anger on their faces, bringing my fury to a pitch. 

"Don't you dare look at me like that, Aleksander; I'm not in the mood!" With that, burst of lightening erupted in my gut, sending me to the floor. I felt people try to kept me, but I shrieked, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Then, a ring of fire surrounded me, thus explaining my point. I was a mess; how was I going to make it to the river at this pace?

"Mena, what happened to you?" My friend approached me, and I made the mistake of looking into his eyes, those trusting grey eyes. As we made eye contact, the familiar warmth of the our memories came into me. It was brief, but I actually felt whole. With this relief from the pain, the fire disappeared, and I lunged for my friend. He caught me in his arms, and I hugged him tightly, crying softly. "I'm so sorry, Mena...I'm so sorry..." 

"UM...LUNA?" I froze as I heard Piper's voice creep in. I let go immediately and faced a semi-jealous she-wolf. She didn't attack me or say another mean, but I could see that she was slightly upset. "I'm sorry...but-"

"Piper, it's fine. I understand." I made sure to put space between my friend and me, signifying the separation. I broke to brief connection between the two of us, and the feelings of helplessness and loneliness burst in, bringing my body to a dark place. Tears brimmed in my eyes, and I could only think of my Lorcan. Just thinking about him made me fall to my knees. His absense constantly reminded me that I would never be whole. I saw someone come down to my level, and I cried harder as Piper hugged my body into hers. She was a young girl, yet she knew exactly what to do. I gripped her body and just tried to ride the painful wave out. It wasn't fair. 

"Luna, why did you leave? Everyone's going crazy, including Lorcan-"

"Don't mention him." It hurt too much to think what hell he was going through. Piper looked at Aleks with worry in her eyes. Curious, I gazed in his direction, and there was a haunted look in his eyes. What happened to the Pack? 

"Aleks?" My voice came out in a whisper, and he sighed heavily. 

"Luna, The Alpha isn't around anymore. He's just so overcome with grief with the separation. I can see that you're in pain, but the pack is in danger. If an Alpha isn't in his right mind, we are in danger. My brother is trying to calm things down, but its hard when the Luna runs off." A small hiss left my lips. 

"Aleks, Eduardo knows where the pack is. I have to go to him to avoid a war. Alpha Slater of Fang Shadow allied himself with them. We'll be massacred." My friend's face paled, and in anger, he punched the wall behind him. I jumped in surprise while Piper ran to him and calmed him down, She roughly wrenched his face towards her and kissed him passionately. 

"We are going to be okay; our pack is strong, love. Remember that." Trembling, he said to me, 

"Mena, our pack is nothing without you. You need to come back-"

"Aleks, I'm going to die! I can't come back! It's impossible! They'll attack the pack! And I won't have that happening!"

Ok, this was a sorta filler chapter, but there will more action in the next one. I just wanted to show whats happening to Ximena. Thank you so much for loving my story, I'm so happy about it! Keep on going and I'll update soon! :)

~ Bella

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