Young Volcanoes

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Ximena's POV

"I didn't do anything wrong." I stubbornly sat on his lap and pouted softly. His arms were still on my waist, fingering and touching the skin. His eyes were now green, and his hair was messy, sticking up in all directions. I'm sure I looked the same, including the massive hickey on my neck. Dios, if Mikey caught me like this, I'd be dead. 

"Yes you did." He wasn't smiling like before, but I knew that he wasn't really that angry anymore. Thankfully, our intense makeout session managed to calm down his fury. 



"No." He groaned at me and ran a hand through his hair. Unfortunately, that was making my horniness come back, so I stopped his hand, biting my lip. A low moan left his lips as those beautiful eyes gazed at my lips. 

"Mena, I respect your decision to not mate yet, but you aren't making it any easier for me." The sound of his voice brought tingles up my spine. I giggled softly and shook my head. 

"Lorcan, I was helping Naomi; if I hadn't intervened, he might have taken her away from the territory."

"But you would have died if I hadn't gotten there in time. I saw you shielding her between those two other wolves." Rolling my eyes, I callously said, 

"And what's the big deal if I die? The world won't end. My life isn't that damn important; what is important is the legacy of what you're fighting for." I had been taught from a young age that death was inevitable, and the most you could do was try to protect yourself. But if you died, you died. You worry about everyone else. Immediately, a thundering growl left Lorcan's mouth, and his hands reached my hair, forcing me to look at him. It didn't hurt, but it demonstrated the control he had. In defiance, I yanked his hair, reminding that I wasn't some submissive chick.  

"My world will end if you're gone. I'm not taking that goddamn chance. As far as I'm concerned, your life is worth too damn much to just go throwing it away." His eyes were fixed on mine, silently begging me to keep on living. Trembling, I pressed a chaste kiss onto his lips, assuring him that I wasn't going anywhere. "Please don't speak like hurts to imagine a world without you." 

"Then don't fight on your own. We can help each other." He opened his mouth to say something, but we were interrupted by a knocking on the door. An annoyed snarl left my mate's lips as he yelled, 

"SOMEONE HAD BETTER BE DYING!" A small chuckle came from the other side of the door. 

"Not yet, but then again that's your call." Alexia. I moaned in annoyance, the jealousy still biting at me. She was trying to be friendly, but it didn't help that she was a fucking sexy supermodel who could take Lorcan from me. "No, Luna, I'm not gonna take your mate from you." 

"Fuck you."

"Oh, is that an invitation? I'd happily take you-" That pissed off Lorcan off to the point that he shoved me off of his lap, stalked to the door, annd ripped it open. The young Alpha was wearing a small blue dress that hiked up to her upper thigh and did nothing to cover her cleavage. Plus, my mate was shirtless at the moment. I was only wearing my black bra and jeans, but I marched right up to her and in front of him, my hands on my hips. She looked me up and down, licking her lips. "I must say that I wouldn't mind this at all...small breasts are actually a turn on-"

"Mine!" The yell from Lorcan shut her up, and I was yanked into his chest, him lowly growling at the she-wolf. I was trying not to smile from her flirtation, but I wasn't sure whether she was joking or not. "What do you need?" Her smile disappeared, and a small frown entered her face. 

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