Chapter 20

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Quinn stood in front of the school entrance, slightly scared to go in. Santana walked up to her from behind and kissed her neck. "Come on Q, let's go in." Brittany and Mercedes were waiting quietly behind them, while Blaine and Kurt had to set off early due to their lockers being farther away. Quinn shook her head, trying to clear it of all her worries, and walked through the doors.

They were going to Quinn's locker first, as it was closest. Obviously a few people threw some homophobic slurs their way, but they had expected that. Quinn reached her locker first, and when she saw it, she simply stood there in shock. Santana arrived a few seconds later. "What is it- oh. Oh my god."

Quinn's locker had been vandalized. Someone had written Dyke and Homo with a sharpie, accompanied by a crude drawing of two female stick figures making out. Along with that, there were multiple photos of Quinn, each edited to make her appear sickeningly disfigured. Silently, Quinn opened her locker, and she let out a small scream when she saw that the inside was covered in pictures of Santana. Well, more specifically, pictures of practically naked women with Santana's face photoshopped onto them. She slammed it shut, and leaned against the wall to stop herself from collapsing.

"Quinn- breathe, okay? Just breathe." Santana said quickly, trying to help her girlfriend. Quinn shook her head. 

"I- I can't," she choked out. "Can't- breathe-" She brought her hand to her chest, and started gasping for air. She managed to look around and noticed everyone staring. This couldn't be happening, not in public. Despite her rapidly dropping ability to breathe, Quinn managed to stumble to the bathroom. Once she got there, she practically fell onto the floor and took note of the fact that here breathing was getting worse. She was barely bringing in any oxygen with each breath, and she felt lightheaded. This was not going to be good.

"Quinn?" Santana called when she ran into the bathroom. She noticed the blonde in a heap on the floor, breathing rapidly but clearly struggling. She was grasping at her chest, and looked up desperately when she saw Santana. 

"Inhaler- locker- quickly-" she managed to say. Santana's eyes widened as she understood. She had known about Quinn's asthma, and she had helped her with her more mild attacks before. This was the worse she had ever seen her, so she nodded briskly and sprinted to Quinn's locker. Putting in her locker combo, she grabbed the inhaler, trying to ignore the disgusting images pasted on the wall. She went back to bathroom, and crouched down next to a shaking Quinn.

"Here," she said, handing her the inhaler. Quinn grabbed it with shaky hands, and brought it to her mouth. However, she was so dizzy that the inhaler fell through her fingers and clattered onto the floor. Quinn fumbled around to pick it up again, but Santana had already taken it. "Okay, I'll bring it up to your mouth, and you just breathe, okay?" Quinn nodded, and when the inhaler reached her lips, she took a puff of it and sucked in her first real breath in what seemed like forever.

"Jesus, thank you so much San," Quinn said between deep breaths. "Sorry for putting you through that so early in the morning."

"Don't thank me- I'm just glad you're okay." She paused, fixing a strand of Quinn's hair and placing it behind her ear. "You are, right?"

Quinn sighed. "Physically, yeah. A bit shaken up, but I'm fine. Emotionally, not really." She swallowed, staring at the ground. "I just can't believe they would go through so much effort just to destroy my locker like that." Santana began to reply, but two Cheerios stalked into the bathroom. Quinn stiffened when she noticed that they were the same two Cheerios who had tricked them into getting publicly humiliated. She was pretty sure the redhead was named Amber, and the dark haired girl was named Lexi.

"Oh, hey Fabgay and Lesbo Lopez," Amber sneered. Quinn tried to stop herself from losing her cool- if they were going to call them offensive names, they should at least try to make them good. "I saw Blondie run into the bathroom." She eyed the inhaler in her hand. "Oh, you have asthma. We'd better keep our distance- we might catch it." Lexi snickered from behind her. "I hope you enjoyed the way we decorated your locker. I didn't orchestrate the whole thing, but I was the one who made those pictures of your girlfriend." Santana couldn't take it anymore- she stood up and walked until she was face to face with Amber.

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