Chapter 12

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The rest of the day went without incident, and Quinn slept over at the hospital. It took some time for her to persuade the nurses, but they finally agreed to let her move some of the chairs to create an area for her to lie down. The next morning, Quinn woke up to a her phone buzzing. Ugh, hadn't she chosen to hide alerts from all the Glee kids? She had known that they would be bombarding her with calls, so she had decided to mute their notifications. She groggily picked up her phone and checked the number- it was Mr. Schue.

"Um, hi Mr. Schue," she greeted, trying to hide the fact that she had just woken up.

"Hey Quinn. I just called to check if everything's alright." He paused. "I don't really know much about the situation, but I have a pretty good guess." Quinn sighed and decided to fill him in.

"She's doing as good as she could be doing in the current situation," she said. "The police came yesterday to ask some questions." Quinn didn't know if Santana would be comfortable with Mr. Schue knowing about everything, but he did basically save them when Mr. Lopez attacked them, so it would probably be alright. "Your hunch is probably right. Santana's dad has been hurting her for a while- I think she said for 3 months." She heard Mr. Schue suck in a breath on the other end of the phone. "It got really bad on Wednesday, and she came to me." Quinn felt a tear run down her face. "I should have noticed. I should have payed more attention. I should have been a better friend."

"Don't beat yourself up about it Quinn," Mr. Schue said softly. "You've been the best friend she could ask for- and she needs you." That reassured her a little bit. "Oh, and I recommend that you come to school on Monday. I've been trying to stop the rumors from spreading, but that's kind of impossible at this school. Santana should come whenever she's ready, I don't want to push her." Quinn really didn't want to leave Santana, but she knew Mr. Schue was right. 

"Yeah, I'll be there," she told him. They said their goodbyes, and Quinn hung up. Santana had just woken up, and had heard the last part of the conversation. "Will you... will you be okay with me leaving tomorrow?" Santana avoided her gaze.

"Yeah, of course," she mumbled, trying to sound strong, but it was clear that she was going to miss her. Quinn let out a sigh and sat down next to her. "Sorry Q. It's just that I'm not used to relying on people for anything." 

Quinn smiled. "Me neither, to be honest. But hey, let's rely on each other, okay?" Santana looked up to meet her gaze, and gave a small nod.

"Sounds good to me."


Timeskip to Monday 

Quinn had slept over at the hospital another night, and had woken up early for school. The day before, she had gone back to her apartment to pick up and prepare a bag, and she slung it over her shoulder. Santana was still asleep, so she made sure to be quiet as she left the room. Nodding to the lady at the front desk, she exited the building and hopped into her car.

After she got to school, she took out her phone and texted Santana. 

hey, just got to school. miss you xoxo

Satisfied, she put her phone away. Quinn then realized that she was probably going to be bombarded with questions and weird looks when she got to school. Hell, people were probably going to harass her because of the rumors freaking Jacob Ben Israel had spread. But she was Quinn Fabray- she would deal with it. Taking a deep breath, she walked through the school doors.

As expected, many people stared at her as she entered. She put on her best HBIC face and tried to ignore them. Suddenly, she saw Puck running towards her. "Hey, Quinn watch out-" but before she could react, she felt herself get drenched in a cold, sticky substance. Slushy. For some reason, she decided to check the color. Rainbow. Wait...

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