Chapter 04

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(TW: Abuse)

Santana opened the door to her house, ready for the impending pain. This time, however, something was different. Her father was standing there, his expression unreadable. "Hello, papi," she greeted cautiously. He took a step towards her, and instinctively she backed up against the wall.

"Santana... are you a lesbian?" He spat out the last word like it was a slur. Suddenly, she felt dizzy. No no no- how did he know? Santana couldn't think of anything to say. She could lie, but he would find out sooner or later. So she nodded.

"How could you do this to me?" her father said. "I give you a roof and food, and you repay me by being a dyke?" There was that word again. Dyke. He wrapped his hands around her throat. She began to struggle to breathe.

"P-Papi, I can't breathe-" she croaked out. He let her go, but took her by her wrist and pulled her into the kitchen. He took the nearest object, a wine glass, and chucked it at her. Shards of glass buried themselves in her hair, and many of them cut her. One caught her in the lip, and she tasted blood. Her father advanced on her again, and she saw he had a kitchen knife in his hand. Shit, is he really going to kill me? Santana ran as fast as she could, but her leg hurt from yesterday's beating, so he soon caught up to her. He ripped off her clothes, and pushed her onto the hard floor. Using his knee to keep her down, he took the knife and started cutting her.

Santana screamed. The pain was unbearable, but he continued. His hands seemed to be calculated. He did it slowly, to cause as much pain as possible. After what seemed like forever, he stopped. She let out a sigh of relief, but her dad laughed. "Oh, mija, it's not over yet." He kicked her in the ribs, knocking the air out of her. He looked down. "Do you regret being a dyke yet?" Santana shook her head. He sighed. "Bad answer." He kicked her more, then took off his belt. He lashed it across her stomach, harder than ever before. When she was barely conscious, he stopped. "I'm going to go get a beer. Stay here." He left the room, and Santana knew she had to escape.

Her clothes would take too long to put on, so she left them. She tried to stand, and almost screamed in pain. She gritted her teeth and got on all fours. She reached and grabbed a nearby blanket to cover herself. She also managed to crawl over to her bag and pull out her car keys. Santana realized that to leave, she had to stand up and open the door. Grabbing onto the handle for support, she managed to shakily stand and open the door. Hearing her fathers footsteps, she hurriedly left and shut the door quietly behind her. Stumbling to her car, she quickly unlocked it and practically fell in. Ignoring the unbearable pain all throughout her body, she turned on the ignition just as her father came running out the door. Santana took off, and debated where to go. She didn't want Britt to se her like this, so the only other option was Quinn.

She arrived at  Quinn's house, and adjusting the blanket around her body, she stumbled out of her car. Quinn lived a few floors up, so she had to take the elevator. Luckily, no one was around, or they would have seen a severely injured teenage girl with nothing but a blanket. She stumbled into the elevator and pressed the button for the third floor. She imagined what the security guard watching the elevator cameras was thinking. Santana made her way to Quinn's door, and rung the bell. Just as she did so, her knees gave out and she collapsed. She heard the door creak open, and Quinn was standing there in horror. "San?"

AN: Ok, so those are all the chapters I had prepared. I'll continue to update regularly :) 

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