Chapter 21

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AN: There's a song in this chapter, but I'll try to make it not drag on. Please enjoy! 

"Uh, sure Brittany- take it away." Mr. Schue leaned back in his chair with a slightly puzzled expression. Brittany usually wasn't one who volunteered to sing in front of the group. She walked confidently to the piano and whispered in Brad's ear, then turned to face the group. "Okay, this song is for Artie," she began. She gave him a wide smile, which made the boy let out a sigh of relief. However, Santana knew Britt better than anyone- that was a fake smile. The blonde girl began to sing.

Take away your things and go
You can't take back what you said, I know
I've heard it all before, at least a million times
I'm not one to forget, you know

Artie's expression grew from relieved to confused.

I don't believe, I don't believe it
You left in peace, left me in pieces
Too hard to breathe, I'm on my knees
Right now

Santana glanced at Quinn, and saw that she was understanding as well. A few other Gleeks were also seeing what Brittany was saying, and where whispering amongst themselves. Santana turned her attention back to Brittany, who was moving onto a new verse.

I'm not spending any time, wasting tonight on you
I know, I've heard it all
So don't you try and change your mind
'Cause I won't be changing too, you know

Finally, Artie seemed to understand. His jaw dropped, and a few others looked at him with pity. But most people believed that what he had said yesterday about Santana and what he had done to Quinn's locker was unacceptable.

I'm so sick of that same old love, that shit, it tears me up
I'm so sick of that same old love, my body's had enough
I'm so sick of that same old love, feels like I've blown apart
I'm so sick of that same old love, the kind that breaks your heart

After Brittany finished singing, there was silence. Many of the people watching had no idea that Brittany could be so mature; that she could sing a song with so much emotion. Artie moved towards Brittany, clearly in denial. "Babe, you didn't mean that, right?" He asked. He didn't need an answer- he already knew what she would say.

"I did mean it. Every word." There was no uncertainty in the blonde's voice. "You were sweet to me when we first started dating, and I thought that you were different from every other boy I had dated. I thought that you dated me for some other reason besides my popularity or looks." She gulped. "I was wrong. Those constant comments you made towards me about my boobs or ass? Those were the only times you would compliment me. You never made an effort to understand me as a person. And when you said those things about San, and tricked me into giving you Quinn's locker combo? That was the last straw. We're over." She started walking back to her seat, but Artie turned his wheelchair to face her.

"You're stupid," he said. Brittany froze, and Santana clenched her fists. Everyone, including Artie, knew how much Britt hated being called stupid. "I used to think it was kind of cute- your idiotic comments, how you needed to be watched at all times like a toddler because if you weren't, you would probably wander into the middle of the street or something." Santana thought he would stop there, but he kept going. "I thought that I could make you smarter or something- or at least less dumb. I guess I was wrong." Santana saw that Brittany was crying, and quickly ran up to comfort her, Quinn at her heels. 

"You son of a-" Santana was about to launch a series of insults at Artie, but Quinn nudged her. 

"I'll deal with Artie. Britt needs you right now," Quinn whispered. Santana hesitated, but she knew she was right. With one last hate-filled glare at Artie, she embraced Brittany. 

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