Chapter 30

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"SANTANA!" Quinn screamed. Her legs were killing her- she had been running for a while- but she didn't care. Suddenly, she heard a crash. "What the hell..." She ran over to where it had come from, and her heart rate sped up. "No, no, no." 

Santana was sprawled out on her back. Quinn looked up, saw the roof of the hardware store, and knew what had happened. Santana had jumped. She had fallen onto a row of plants and bushes, which luckily had broken her fall a little bit- but it still was a long drop. "Santana, wake up. Please." She took her face, and crouched down to cradle her body. "P-Please..." She was openly sobbing, and some passersby had ran up to help. 

Quinn's thoughts were unorganized, but she managed to gather herself enough to take out her phone and call 911. "911, what's you emergency?" Quinn quickly started talking, surprised at how shaky and feeble her voice was.

"I- I think my girlfriend tried to kill herself. She jumped off of a roof. Please, come quickly." She told them the address. The operator paused, then continued, her voice calm.

"Okay. We are sending an ambulance. What was her state when you found her?" Quinn gripped her phone tighter, impatient.

"Uh, she had fallen onto some plants so I think they softened the fall a bit. But, um, she fell onto her back and she's not moving or waking up." She sobbed. "She's not waking up." 

"Shh, it's okay. Breathe. She'll be taken care of soon." The operator softened her tone. "Do you know why she tried to commit suicide?" Quinn blinked. Why did she? Her father had said some things, but nothing severe enough to warrant this... unless... who the heck was Valeria? And what had her father said about her? He had said something about her being a pretty woman. Wait- Santana's mother's name had been Maria, not Valeria. She felt the sudden urge to throw up.

"I- I'm not sure, but I think he father just told her that he was having an affair. She's been through so much other stuff too." One of the passersby who had helped tapped her on the shoulder.

"Do you want me to stay on the phone?" Quinn nodded gratefully, and handed it to him. She focused on Santana once again. She looked so small, so frail. She tried to picture Santana only this morning- cracking jokes, shamelessly flirting, laughing. That seemed like forever ago.

After what seemed like hours but probably was only a few minutes, the ambulance arrived. Some doctors took Santana and gently lay her onto a stretcher. "We'll take it from here." Quinn stood up.

"Can- can I come with her?" Seeing them hesitate, she grew desperate. "Please, I'm her girlfriend. I'm the only family she has." They seemed to come to a silent agreement, and nodded. "Thank you." She climbed into the back of the ambulance where they had put Santana, and sat down next to her. Taking her hand, she was shocked by how cold it was. Quinn clasped Santana's hand and closed her eyes, praying. Praying that she would be okay.

They reached the hospital, and as they transferred Santana over to a different stretcher, Quinn didn't leave her side. That is, until they informed her that they would be assessing her situation and Quinn would have to wait outside. "I'm really sorry," the nurse said. "It's just procedure." Honestly, Quinn was too mentally exhausted to argue. 

As soon as she was left along, Quinn broke down completely. Santana was the one she was supposed to grow old with- the girl she was supposed to love for the rest of her life. Their story couldn't end now. It wasn't fair.

As Quinn sat there, sobbing, she realized she needed someone- a mother. She needed her mother to hold her, tell her that it was all going to be okay. The only issue was, her mother had kicked her out of the house and practically disowned her. Quinn found herself taking out her phone, and dialed the number of the closest person she had to a mother.

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