Chapter 24 + Important AN

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Things were going well. They were practicing their songs for Sectionals- Brittany and Mike were killing it with the dance moves, and Rachel was belting her heart out as usual. It was almost time for Santana and Quinn to sing their solo, but there was a knock on the door. Brittany stood up. "I'll open it," she offered. Swinging the door open, a look of surprise crossed her face. "Artie? What are you-" She was cut off when Quinn walked forward.

"Get the hell out of here," she demanded. Artie looked petrified, and put his hands up in surrender. 

"Please, just hear me out," he pleaded. Quinn looked at Mr. Schue, who reluctantly nodded. "Okay." He moved over to Santana, and the Latina girl glared at him, her eyes blazing with fury and resentment. "Look, I'm really sorry." Santana was momentarily surprised. "I- I was mad when Brittany dumped me, and so I posted about your secret. I don't know why I did it." 

Santana kept her gaze cold. "That's great and all, but I don't forgive you." Artie slumped a little bit, but it was clear that he was expecting that reaction. "Is that all you came here to do- to apologize to me for making my school life hell?" He shook his head.

"I came to try and get back in Glee Club." He quickly continued. "I know that I was a huge jerk, but I want New Directions to win at Sectionals as much as you do. And this might sound bad, but I have a good voice. My little riffs and runs add life to the songs, whether you like it or not." He turned to Mr. Schue. "Please, let me rejoin." 

There was silence. Finally, Mr. Schue spoke. "Artie, I'm happy that you apologized to Santana, and that you care so much about the New Directions. But I don't think you're ready to join us just yet. Maybe you can rejoin later, when I think you're ready." Artie sighed.

"I understand." He looked around at the other Gleeks one more time, and left the room. Mr. Schue checked the clock and groaned. 

"Sorry guys, but that was the last of our time." There were sighs of disappointment around the room. "Quinn, Santana, I have faith that your song is coming along nicely. You can show us next class." They nodded, and the students filed out. Santana was walking with Quinn, but she saw that Brittany was lagging behind the others. 

"Hey, you okay Britt-Britt?" The tall blonde avoided meeting Santana's eyes. "Hey, earth to Brittany? You good?" Santana was concerned- Brittany usually was quick to talk, and her gloominess was really strange. 

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine Santana. Thanks." Santana narrowed her eyes. Yeah, something was definitely up. Brittany seemed to pick up on her concern, and quickly forced a smile. "I gotta go to my next period. See you." She hurried away. Santana didn't pursue her, but instead hurried to catch up to Quinn.

"Q, I'm really worried about Britt." She ran her fingers through her hair. "She's never like this." Quinn didn't speak. "Like, she's gotten sad before, but she's usually pretty open about it." Turning to look at Quinn, she realized why the blonde was silent. "Oh wait, I suck. I shouldn't be talking to you about my ex. I'm really not the best with girlfriend etiquette." 

Quinn kissed her on the cheek to show that there were no hard feelings. "No, it's fine. I understand how much you care about Brittany, and if you want to talk to me about it, you can." Santana let out a sigh of relief.

"Phew, thanks," she said. "Oh crap, we'd better get to class." She waved goodbye to Quinn, and went on with the school day. 


After school, Santana waited outside Quinn's car, as the blonde had the keys and she wasn't there yet. Feeling her phone buzz in her pocket, she saw that it was an unrecognized number. Despite this, she accepted it. "Hello?" She said cautiously. 

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