Chapter 33

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AN: So there's gonna be quite a few timeskips in the next few chapters. Just thought I should let you know :)

Timeskip roughly 1 week ~

"C'mon Santana, it's time." The Latina squeezed her eyes shut, pretending to be asleep. "Baby, I know you're awake." Santana sighed and opened her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm awake." Today was the day Santana was going back to school. Quinn had gone back a few days before. It was a bit exciting, but also, Santana didn't know how her classmates would react to her being in a wheelchair. Quinn helped Santana sit up, and there was an awkward silence before Santana spoke again. "I, uh, can't really change clothes." Quinn's eyes widened. 

"Oh, right, sorry." They both blushed, and Santana started to remove her sweater. She struggled, and Quinn helped her get it off. Moving closer, Quinn took off her undershirt. She took in the sight of her bare skin, littered with bruises and scars. She reached forward and used her finger to trace one of the scars that ran from her shoulder all the way to her hip. Their eyes met, and a silent conversation took place. Pushing the blankets aside, Quinn tried desperately to keep her face from turning red as she unbuckled Santana's jeans. She pulled them down, and folded the clothes and placed them on a chair. Santana smirked.

"Like what you see?" Quinn laughed, only Santana could joke in a situation like this. 

"Oh shut up." She pulled some more clothing out of a bag she had brought from the apartment, and helped Santana into them. Quinn swept Santana up in her arms, and placed her gently into her wheelchair. "There you go, all done." Checking the time, she quickly swung her bag over her shoulder. "We'd better go."

Quinn wheeled Santana out the door, and waved at all the doctors they passed. "I'm kind of getting deja vu," Santana murmured, remembering when Quinn had walked her out of the hospital the first time. "Except for now, I'm in a wheelchair." She chuckled bitterly. 

After Quinn transferred her into the car, they started driving. Santana had a faraway look in her eyes, and Quinn raised an eyebrow. "What are you thinking about?" Santana didn't respond. "Okay, nice talk." Sure, she was curious, but she knew that her girlfriend was planning something.


"We're here," Quinn announced, parking the car. She had parked in a very specific place, where a second wheelchair was waiting. Ignoring the stares they were getting, Quinn once again lifted Santana up and fastened her in. "You ready?"

Santana nodded. "Yeah." They entered the building, and soon ran into a familiar face. It was Artie, holding a slushy in his hand. Quinn moved to guard Santana, but to her surprise, he didn't throw it. Well, not at her. Instead, he tilted his hand and chucked it at himself.

"Uh, what?" Santana said suspiciously, not yet sure of his intentions. Artie shivered from the icy drink that was dripping down his shirt, but met Santana's gaze. 

"I'm sorry. I know I've said it once before, but I'll say it again. I deserve this slushy, and so many more." Quinn tilted her head.

"Are you trying to rejoin the Glee club or something?" Artie shook his head, sending drops of cherry slushy everywhere.

"No. Well, that would be nice... but no, that's not what I'm trying to do. I want to just let you know how sorry I am." He bit his lip. "Do you forgive me?" 

Santana thought hard about how she should answer. "I... I don't forgive you. Not yet. But I'm on the way to forgiving you." She sighed. "You exposed my personal info to the world, Artie, and no amount of slushies to the face will ever change that." Seeing his face fall, Santana softened her tone. "But like I said- maybe sometime soon, we can go back to being friends. Maybe." Artie forced a smile.

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