Chapter 28

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Santana raised her eyebrows and a small smile crossed her lips. "That... is a great idea." She chuckled. "Don't tell Berry, but we're some of the best singers in Glee Club." Narrowing her eyes, she looked at Mercedes and Quinn. "One thing though- no depressing songs." They both nodded in agreement- neither of them was planning on singing a dark song anyways.

"Let's see, what should we sing?" Mercedes thought aloud. They were quiet for a while, until Quinn sat up straighter and smiled. She told the others her idea, and unanimously, they all agreed. 

Mercedes stayed sitting next to them for the rest of lunch. Quinn was glad that she was rekindling her friendship with her- they had been close for a period of time, but then drifted away. Quinn knew that it was a common thing in friendships, but she was happy that she might be able to salvage this relationship. Just then, Quinn turned and saw Amber walking towards her, slushy in hand. Almost without thinking, she stood up and walked up to her. Not saying a word, she grabbed Amber's wrist and redirected the slushy, causing it to fling all over the red-headed Cheerio's face. 

"Whoops," Quinn said. She walked back to her seat, leaving a fuming Amber. Mercedes laughed.

"That was pretty badass Quinn," she commented. Quinn simply smiled and took a bite of her salad. It had felt good, slushying Amber. However, Quinn was determined to not turn into the cruel person she had once been. Picturing Amber's slushy-covered face again, she chuckled. That didn't mean she couldn't occasionally slushy someone- if they deserved it, of course.

After lunch, it was time for Glee. Once everyone had arrived, Santana raised her hand. "Hey Mr. Schue, Quinn, Mercedes, and I have a song we want to sing." Mr. Schue raised his eyebrows. He had no clue how their voices would sound together, but he was curious.

"Sure, take it away." Santana whispered the song to the band, who all nodded. It suddenly occurred to Santana how strange it was that the band seemed to know every song to ever exist. Weird. She brushed it off, and walked to the center of the room where Quinn and Mercedes were already standing. They started to sing, with Quinn starting them off.

We come into this world unknown
But know that we are not alone
They try and knock us down
But change is coming, it's our time now

Quinn's gentle voice contrasted greatly with the tone of the song, but it worked somehow. Santana sang the next part.

Hey, everybody loses it
Everybody wants to throw it all away sometimes
And hey, yeah I know what you're going through
Don't let it get the best of you, you'll make it out alive

The three girls shared a smile, and Mercedes picked up the song next, her voice rich and, well, basically flawless.

Oh, people like us we've gotta stick together
Keep your head up, nothing lasts forever
Here's to the damned to the lost and forgotten
It's hard to get high when you're living on the bottom

They sang a couple more verses, each taking turns singing, until they reached the last verse and sang together. Their voices harmonized beautifully- Quinn's light and gentle voice, Santana's bright and smooth singing, and Mercedes' rich and powerful tone. 

They can't do nothing to you, they can't do nothing to me
This is the life that we choose, this is the life that we bleed
So throw your fists in the air, come out, come out if you dare
Tonight we're gonna change forever

As the song ended, the room erupted in applause. Mr. Schue stood up and grinned. "Amazing girls. Who knows, we might have to use this trio in future competitions." Mercedes took her seat next to Kurt, and Quinn and Santana sat next to each other in the back row. "Okay, listen up. Sectionals is just around the corner, and we have to prepare."

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