Chapter 26

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Quinn woke up, once again, to the screams of Santana. Although she really wanted to get some needed sleep, her concern for her girlfriend was at the forefront. Sitting up, she looked down to see Santana practically convulsing on the bed. Knowing to be gentle, she took one of Santana's fingers and gave it a little squeeze. "Wake up San, it's just a dream." The other girl let out a raspy groan, and tears streamed down her face. Quinn decided that the best course of action was to be calm and persistent.

"You are Santana Lopez. Right now, you are lying safely in bed with me. Your father is in police custody somewhere far away, no where near us. The only person with you is me, Quinn. Your girlfriend." She smoothed down Santana's hair. "Come on, you can wake up."

Santana groaned again, but her eyes opened. "Wha... god Q, did I wake you up again? I suck." Quinn sighed, and rubbed her eyes.

"No, it's not your fault." She reached to turn on the beside lamp. "But it's time for a serious talk. Santana, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it- you need to talk to someone. Like, a professional." Santana's eyes widened and she shook her head.

"No me gusta. Hell no- you are not sending me to a shrink." Quinn wasn't all that frustrated, she had expected this kind of response. 

"Santana, why are you so against it? It might make you feel better." Santana bit her lip, and didn't respond. "Santana..."

"Look. I know I probably sound like a little kid complaining like this, but I just... I can't. I don't want anyone else knowing about my personal issues. Basically all privacy I ever had is gone. My sexuality? I was outed. My dysfunctional home life? Currently going viral on social media. I want to hold onto my last shred of pride, okay?" Quinn realized once again how much shit Santana was going through. It was only natural that she was hesitant to talk willingly to anyone.

"Okay, how about this. Do you maybe want to talk to Mrs. Pillsbury? She probably already knows, and she's a professional. Well, I mean, I think she's a professional." She laughed quietly and squeezed Santana's hand. "So, what do you say?"

Santana hesitated, but when she looked into Quinn's hazel eyes, she knew that the blonde wanted nothing more than to help her. She sighed. "Fine, you win. We can talk to Mrs. Pillsbury." Quinn grinned, and wrapped Santana up in a hug. "But you're coming with me." Quinn nodded.

"Duh," Quinn replied. "Now, let's get some sleep." She turned the light back off, and pulled the covers over them. She noticed that Santana had already curled up, and her head was leaning on Quinn's shoulder. For once, the girl looked peaceful. Quinn smiled at how Santana could be such a snarky badass, but was really a softie deep down. Placing her arm around Santana's waist, she drifted off.


Santana woke up, and noticed Quinn wasn't in bed. Yawning, stood up and stretched, hearing sounds from the kitchen. She saw her girlfriend running around, making breakfast. "Hey hermosa, you need help there?" She teased. Without waiting for answer, she grabbed a spatula and flipped around some eggs in a pan she was pretty sure were burning. Quinn looked at her graciously, and walked over with four slices of toast. "Does you making me breakfast have anything to do with me agreeing to talk to Mrs. Pillsbury?"

Quinn smirked. "Possibly- or maybe I'm just trying to be a good girlfriend." She placed some eggs on the toast, and plopped some cheese on. "Also, you're too skinny- you have to eat more." Santana rolled her eyes, and seeing that the cheese had melted, Quinn created two breakfast sandwiches. "Here, eat up," she said, handing one of them to Santana. Under Quinn's watchful gaze, Santana nibbled away at it, and eventually finished. Quinn, having finished hers a while ago, gave a satisfied smile

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