Chapter 15

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AN: Ok, I'm going to try my best to make this an emotional rollercoaster haha. Let's see how this goes

TW: Mentions of abuse

Santana had fully woken up, but she was still shaking due to her recent anxiety attack. Quinn was sitting right next to her, and was currently snuggled up against her. She felt a surge of love for the blonde. Quinn had put up with her, and all of her messes, longer than Santana had thought anyone could. And here she was, still by her side. God, she didn't deserve her. Nuzzling her girlfriend's nose, she blinked in surprise when she noticed that Quinn was awake. "Geez Q, you almost gave me a heart attack. I thought you were asleep," Santana stammered.

Quinn blushed. "I, uh, guess I wanted to keep an eye on you." Santana forced a small smile, but looked away, her face showing a hint of hurt. "Oh crap, did I say something wrong?" Still not looking her in the eyes, Santana shook her head.

"Nah, you're fine Q. It's just... I hate how everyone feels like they need do treat me like a baby. Like they can't take their eyes off me for a second, or else I'll find a way to get myself in trouble." Quinn gave her a sympathetic look and took her hands in her own.

"Hey, look at me." She waited patiently until her girlfriend obliged. "You're. Not. A baby. You're mistaking us caring for you with babying you." Santana chuckled.

"Well, I haven't exactly experienced much family care in the past few months, so I guess I don't have the best perception of care." Quinn smiled sadly, and kissed Santana's hand. They sat in a comfortable silence for a while, until Stan came through the door. He had gotten used to the closeness of the two girls, and cleared his throat politely to get their attention.

"Sorry, I know this may come as a surprise, but the police wanted me to tell you this. It's about the trial." He paused, and when both girls remained silent, he continued. "We have some solid evidence against your father- specifically, your injuries when you first arrived at the hospital and the camera footage of him assaulting you. However, if you happen to have any additional photo evidence, that would help in making his punishment more severe." Quinn glanced at Santana, waiting for her to reply.

"I, uh... well, I do have a collection of photos at my house." 

"Perfect. If you are able to go to your sometime tomorrow or the day after and get them, that would be very helpful. Or, of course, if you are not comfortable going there, you can send someone. Don't worry, he's not there- he's currently in police custody." He nodded at them. "I'll leave so you two can figure things out." He left, and Quinn shot a questioning look at Santana.

"I know what you're going to say Q- you're going to offer to go there for me." Quinn's face turned red, slightly embarrassed, as that was exactly what she was going to say. "But... I'm going to go. I have to face it sometime, so why not sooner rather than later." Quinn wanted to argue, but she knew that the Latina had made up her mind. Sighing, she decided to compromise.

"Fine," she said simply, surprising Santana. "But, I'm coming with you." Santana nodded, as she wanted Quinn to come with her anyways. Embracing the blonde in a hug, she whispered in her ear.

"You're awesome, you know that right?" Quinn smirked.

"Yeah, I know." Laughing, the two girls flopped back down on the bed together, their legs and arms entangled.


Timeskip to next day

Surprisingly, the school day was uneventful for Quinn. She noticed a bunch of the jocks and other cheerleaders giving her sly looks, which made her pretty nervous, but no one went out of their way to harass her. She always had someone from Glee by her side, which while annoying, was probably for the best. After Glee ended, and she went to go to her locker, she was stopped by Brittany.

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