Chapter 09

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(TW: Sexual Harrasment)

When Santana woke up the next morning, two thoughts crossed her mind. First, I kissed Quinn freaking Fabray. Second, ow, everything hurts. Her bruises were throbbing, and her cuts were stinging. Gritting her teeth, she sat up. She let out a small cry of pain, which woke up Quinn. She shot up, looking at Santana with her eyes full of concern. "Hey, you ok?" Santana tried to plaster on a fake smile.

"Hell yeah," she joked. Quinn narrowed her eyes. 

"Mhm. Right." The blonde didn't believe her for a second. "San, I know you won't like this, but we have to take you to the hospital. Like, today." Santana's face fell. 'Your injuries are bad, and I'm not a doctor." 

Santana shook her head vigorously. "No. No hospital." Quinn sighed. "I just- I just can't, okay?" She gave Quinn those round, pleading eyes that made her heart melt, but she knew that she had to do what was best.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I'm taking you and that's that. I won't take you to the place your dad works, but you're still going." Santana still was shaking her head, and now Quinn was started to get annoyed. "Come on, get dressed and we'll go." Santana didn't move. Cursing under her breath, Quinn left to get herself changed. When she came back, Santana was still in the same position on the bed, her legs crossed and her eyes staring at nothing in particular. "Ugh, come on San! Stop being such a child!" As soon as the words left her mouth, she knew that she had messed up. "Wait- I'm sorry! I didn't mean that."

Santana had jumped at Quinn's outburst, and finally spoke up. "It just reminds me of him," she said quietly. "Even though I know he doesn't work there, and even though I know he is too far away to get me... I'm still scared." Quinn's gaze softened, and she laid a hand on her friend's shoulder.

"Ok, how about this. We go to the hospital, but I stay with you at all times. Would you like that?" Managing a small smile, Santana nodded and stood up to get dressed. As she waited, Quinn pondered the events of the previous night. Santana had kissed her... and she had liked it. In that one kiss, she had felt more emotion than all the times she had kissed, or even made out with Finn, Puck, or Sam. It had felt... different, in a good way.

"Q, I'm ready," Santana called. Quinn snapped back to reality, and grabbed her purse from the bedside table. Walking up to Santana, she felt the other girl take her hand and link pinkies with her. Wait- she's only ever done that with one person- Brittany. Telling herself it didn't mean anything, Quinn opened the door, and let out a small gasp at what she saw.

Standing in the doorway was a large man. Santana's father. Turning to look at Santana, she saw the other girl was frozen in fear and shock. She was already starting to shake. Squeezing her friend's hand, Quinn gathered up all her courage and stepped forward towards the man. "Sir, please move. Me and my friend have to leave." As expected, he didn't comply. Pushing Quinn aside, he advanced on Santana.

"Ah, there you are mija," he sneered. "I had a feeling you were here." Santana opened her mouth to say something, but he continued. "It was obvious that you had run off to one of your friends houses. I knew it was either Quinn's or Brittany's. I sat at Brittany's front door for a night, and didn't hear you talking. So the only other option was Quinn's." He chuckled. "I knew what floor she lived on from looking through your texts- you left your phone at home." Santana was dumbfounded. He had been camping out in front of Quinn's apartment door for nights, waiting for them to leave. 

He lunged forward, and before Quinn could stop him, he had shoved Santana into the table. She crashed into it, and screamed in pain. Before he could go in for another hit, Quinn grabbed his wrist. "Don't you dare touch her," she growled. With her other hand, she quickly took her phone out of her pocket and tossed it to Santana, hoping the girl knew what she had to do. Focusing her attention back on Mr. Lopez, she saw that he was laughing.

"Ah, you naïve girl." He seemed to look her over. "You're a pretty one, I'll give you that." Quinn kept a brave face, but she was panicking. He easily grabbed her and held her up against his chest. Quinn tried to escape, but he was stronger. "Shh... don't fight," he said. She felt his hands feel around her breasts, and her heart threatened to beat right out of her chest. "Yes... quite well made, too." Quinn continued fighting.

"Ugh, let me go you creep-" but he cut her off by covering her mouth with one hand. He reached his hand under her shirt, and continued feeling around. Her screams came out as muffled gibberish. He now started pulling of her shirt and shorts, and after that, he pushed her onto the ground. He stood over her, but just then, someone else walked through the door.

"Hey, get off her!" To Quinn's surprise, Mr. Schue ran through the doorway. Santana must have called him, Quinn realized. Well, he wasn't the police, but at least he was someone. Mr. Schue got into a fistfight with Mr. Lopez, and Quinn shakily got back up onto her feet and grabbed a frying pan. While he was preoccupied by Mr. Schue, Quinn swung the pan and whacked him in the head. Mr. Lopez crumpled onto the ground, knocked out. 

Mr. Schue ran over to Quinn. "Hey, you alright? Did he hurt you?" Breathing heavily, Quinn shook her head and pointed at Santana, who was on the floor behind him. As Quinn hurriedly put her clothes back on, Mr. Schue was checking Santana for injuries. When she was done, she ran over and crouched down. Santana was conscious, but was clearly in a lot of pain. Mr. Schue turned to her. "What happened? Actually, you can tell me later. Santana needs medical care. Drive her to the hospital- I'll get the police to do something about him." He gestured towards Santana's dad, who was still unconscious. "Do you need me to help you carry her to the car?" Quinn shook her head- Santana was so light that she could easily do it herself. 

Mr. Lopez had thrown her purse along with her clothes, so she grabbed it. Easily lifting her friend up, Quinn hurried out the open door and took the elevator down to the ground floor. Kicking the door open, she slid out and reached her car. Shifting Santana's limp body so that she could use one hand to unlock her car, she gently laid her friend on the backseat. Hopping in the drivers seat, she drove as fast as she could to the hospital.

Once she reached the closest hospital that wasn't the one Santana's dad worked at, she picked Santana up again. The girl was starting to mumble, still barely conscious. When she walked in, the patrons stared at her. Quinn realized how weird they must have looked: A blonde teenage girl with wrinkled clothing carrying another teenage girl who looked unconscious. Ignoring them, she walked up to the front desk. "Hey. My friend is really badly injured. Please, she needs help now." The lady nodded, and handed Quinn some paperwork. "Here, you can fill this out. We'll take your friend and fix her up." Santana was loaded onto a stretcher, and Quinn hastily filled out the form, which required basic info like her name and age. As soon as she was done, she went back to the front desk. "Here's the form. Can I go see my friend now?" The lady looked unsure, but eventually she agreed. 

Santana looked so small. She was nothing like the brash, outgoing girl that used to walk the hallways of McKinley.  She was a scared little girl, broken by her father. A small tear escaped and trickled down her face. "Santana..." she whispered. She was asleep, her chest rising and falling in shallow breaths. Quinn placed a hand on her friend's hand, intertwining her fingers with hers. Just then, a doctor walked in. 

"Ok, we just performed some basic tests and x-rays, and she's pretty banged up." Seeing Quinn's face grow nervous, he quickly added, "She'll be alright, though. You said she got shoved into a table?" Quinn nodded. "She must have hit the table on her side- she has a two fractured ribs. She also has a mild concussion, and a sprained ankle." He checked the clipboard he was holding. "Ok, moving on to surface wounds. You did a good job with her cuts- only a few look like they are infected. Obviously there is a lot of bruising, but none seem to be too serious." Quinn was horrified at all the pain Santana's father had managed to inflict, but she couldn't help being relieved that there wouldn't be any permanent damage.

The doctor turned to leave. "I'll allow you a little more time with her, then we'll get started with some procedures." Once he was gone, Quinn pulled up a chair to the hospital bed and sat down. She took her pinky and linked it with Santana's. With the other hand, she absentmindedly ran her fingers through her hair. Soon, the doctor came back in. Planting a gentle kiss on Santana's cheek, Quinn left the room so that the doctors could do their thing. While sitting out in the waiting room, Quinn couldn't relax. She cared a lot about Santana- quite possibly, she cared more about her then anyone else in her life. And as much as she tried to tell herself that they were just friends, deep down, she knew they were something more.

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