Chapter 10

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Santana woke up to extreme pain all throughout her body. "Ugh... where am I?" She noticed a guy with a white coat standing over her, and she almost had a heart attack. "What the- when did I get here? I don't want to be here!" She tried to sit up and leave, but the pain in her ribcage stopped her. The doctor smiled at her. 

"It's ok- I know you're probably confused and scared, but we just finished fixing you up." Santana still tried feebly to leave, but eventually gave up. The doctor looked at her with sympathy. "Hey, I know it must be scary. Do you want me to let your friend in? I believe her name is Quinn." Santana nodded vigorously, and he chuckled. "She must really care about you- she's been constantly bugging the nurses to let her in." She smiled a bit at that, and almost on cue, the blonde came barging through the door.

"San!" she said gleefully. "How do you feel?" She crouched down next to her and squeezed her hand. Santana let out a laugh, slightly surprised by how raspy it came out. 

"I mean, I could be better. How about you, Q? I heard you couldn't wait to see me." She managed a smirk. Quinn's expression grew embarrassed, and Santana quickly added, "I mean, not that I'm complaining." The doctor raised an eyebrow at this exchange, but didn't comment. 

"Well, I think that all the nurses hate me now," Quinn joked. "But also... Mr. Schue texted me. We have to go talk to the police later today." Santana tensed up. "Don't worry, I'll be with you the whole time." The doctor stood up. 

"I'll let you two relax together for a bit before the police come," he said. As soon as he left, Quinn let out a small yawn. 

"Ugh, sorry," she mumbled. "I must have tired myself pacing the hallways." Santana scooted over a bit on her cot. 

"I mean, if you're tired... do you wanna lay with me?" Quinn blushed, but didn't hesitate before curling up next to the Latina. "You're turning me into a softie," she teased. Quinn was already closing her eyes, and cuddled closer to Santana. Before she drifted off, she mumbled one more thing.

"Love you San."

Santana's heart started beating. She just meant as a friend, she told herself. It didn't mean anything. Even though she just woke up, she decided to go back to sleep. Quinn's warmth was nice and cozy, and her hair smelt like vanilla. Wait- why am I sniffing her hair? Sighing, Santana let herself drift off into sleep.


Quinn jolted awake, and remembered that she was curled up next to Santana in a hospital bed. Wait... she checked her watch, and realized that the two of them had to meet with police officers in about thirty minutes. She gently shook the Latina awake. "Hey... wake up sleepyhead!"

"Mrmph..." Santana mumbled into the pillow. Quinn rolled her eyes- the girl had never been easy to wake up. Eventually, though, she did. "I really don't want to tell my life story to a random police officer," Santana said softly. Quinn recognized how hard this would be, and drew circles on her friend's back to relax her. 

"Remember, I'll be with you the whole time." Santana nodded, and lay her head on Quinn's shoulder. "Also, when I said I loved you? I meant it." The Latina's eyes grew wide, and her heart began to race. So that kiss they shared... it meant something? Quinn noticed her surprise. "And yes, by that I mean it meant more than just a friend love." She paused. "Wait, I didn't make you uncomfortable, right?" 

Santana shook her head. "Nope," she replied. "And it's your lucky day Q, because I just so happen to feel the same way about you." This time Quinn was the one to be surprised. The two locked gazes for a few moments, and as if coming to a silent agreement, they both leaned forward and their locked lips. Santana bit down gently, knowing that Quinn was not used to this. To her surprise, Quinn bit down too. The blonde reminded herself that Santana was currently severely injured in a hospital bed, and simply brought her hand around to stroke the small Latina's hair.

Just then, the doctor walked in. "The police are here- oh- oh my god-" he stammered, seeing the position the two girls were in. "I, um- I'll just go- but when you're ready the police are waiting." Quinn and Santana pulled away and looked at each other, both of their faces red. Quinn sat up, and helped her friend do the same. It was still painful, but it was easier than before. Giving her a reassuring look, Quinn led Santana out of the hospital room and into the hallway.


Just as the doctor said, two police officers were waiting. One of them had a clipboard, and he gestured for them both to have a seat. They obliged, and the questioning began. "Hello, I'm Officer Jakob, and this is Officer Peters." The second officer gave slight nod when he was introduced. "We'll be asking you some questions, and please answer honestly."

He started by asking basic questions about the abuse- how long it had been going on, how severe, what he did, and so on. Santana was clearly trying to be brave, but Quinn heard her voice grow shaky. She squeezed her hand in reassurance. The officer moved onto less straightforward questions. "Why didn't you tell anyone sooner?" 

"I was scared of what he would do to me if he found out," she replied softly. The officer nodded. 

"And what made you finally decide to go to your friend Quinn's house?" Santana paused before answering.

"Well, he found out I was lesbian through a political campaign ad. He, uh, didn't like that. He beat me more than ever, and I thought he was going to kill me, so I left. Quinn's the person I'm the closest to, so I went to her house." Quinn nodded slightly, remembering seeing Santana at her front door, broken. 

The officer turned to Quinn. "Ok, we're almost done here. I have to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind." Quinn nodded. "Did you notice anything different with Santana at school?" 

"Yeah, she barely talked to anyone, and she started wearing baggy clothes and hoodies. She got a lot more jumpy too." 

"Have you ever meet Mr. Lopez prior to Santana telling you about what he does to her? If so, did you notice anything suspicious or unusual?" Quinn nodded.

"Yeah. When we were younger, I used to always come over for sleepovers and stuff. He kind of just locked himself in his office the entire time." The officer scrawled some stuff on his clipboard, and looked back up.

"Ok, last question. Has he ever harmed you in any way?" Santana glanced at her. Quinn realized that she probably was in too much pain at the time to really notice what Mr. Lopez was doing to her, so this was going to come as a surprise.

"I mean, he didn't really hurt me, but he did try to get... sexual with me." Santana stared at her in shock. "He, um, grabbed me and started reaching his hand under my shirt to feel me. He then pushed me onto the ground and took my clothes off, but luckily Mr. Schue got there before he could do anything." The officer's expression remined neutral, and he and his partner got up to leave.

"Well, thank you for your cooperation. There will probably be a court case, and your answers will be very useful." And just like that, the two officers were gone. Santana's shoulders slumped, and she was clearly exhausted and drained from the interrogation. Quinn pecked her on the cheek. 

"You did great," she said. Santana sighed. 

"Is this really it? Is he actually going to get thrown in jail?" Quinn gave a confident nod.

"Yes, San, he is. You're going to be safe."

AN: Sorry for taking a bit longer to post. If you have any suggestions for where you want the story to go, leave them in the comments! 

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