Chapter 34

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Later that day, when Quinn and Santana entered the choir room for glee, they were bombarded with hugs and welcomes from the other Gleeks. Quinn noticed Santana started to panic from everyone crowding them, and she quickly cleared her throat. 

"Hey, give us some space," she said. They quickly backed off, but their excitement was evident. Quinn had returned to school a couple days before- reluctantly- but she was still treated as if she had been absent for ages.

"I guess you all missed your favorite HBIC," Santana joked. "But seriously, I'm glad to see you guys. I love Quinn, but sometimes I get tired staring at her face all the time." Quinn placed her hand on her heart in mock sadness.

"I'm hurt," the blonde said. Santana laughed and kissed her girlfriend's hand. 

"I'm kidding. I would never grow tired of looking at you hermosa." There were a few groans from the others.

Rachel snapped her fingers and clasped her hands together. "Well Santana, if you and Quinn are done shamelessly flirting, it would be great if we could get to work." Santana rolled her eyes, but secretly she was happy with the familiarity- Berry being annoying, Finn standing awkwardly next to her, Mercedes and Kurt whispering to each other- it was nice. 

"Yeah, whatever Berry," Santana replied, but she smiled as she said it. Quinn wheeled her to an empty space, where Artie usually stayed, and settled down next to her. 

Mr. Schue sat down on the stool in the center of the room. "Okay. Before we begin, would anyone like to perform a song? Just asking, because it seems to happen every class." There were some soft laughs, and Santana perked up. 

"Wait, actually, me and Quinn would like to perform a song." Quinn blinked. 

"We would?" She questioned. Santana smiled, and somehow managed to pull Quinn with her while simultaneously wheeling herself to the center of the room. 

"Yes, we would," Santana said. Knowing she couldn't back out now, Quinn reluctantly crouched down to meet Santana's eyes. 

"What are we singing?" Santana didn't reply, and simply wheeled over to Brad and whispered in his ear. The pianist nodded, and began playing. Quinn immediately recognized the tune, and a smile spread across her face. Santana nodded at her to start them off.

Yellow diamonds in the light
Now we're standing side by side
As your shadow crosses mine
What it takes to come alive

Santana sped her wheelchair around with surprising skill, making it appear as if she was dancing. She bobbed her head, her dark ponytail swaying.

It's the way I'm feeling I just can't deny
But I've gotta let it go
We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place

Santana took one of Quinn's hands in her own and moved her wheelchair back and forth. Quinn, though feeling kind of awkward at first, soon got into it.

We found love in a hopeless place
We found love in a hopeless place

Santana carefully spun her wheelchair around in a circle, and for once, Quinn felt carefree. She felt like a teenager; she felt young. It was a freeing feeling.

Shine a light through an open door
Love and life I will divide
Turn away 'cause I need you more
Feel the heartbeat in my mind

Santana felt... normal. That was a good thing. She was just a girl, happy for the moment, dancing with her girlfriend. The girl who she loved.

They finished the song, not really paying attention to how their voices sounded and simply basking in the experience. When they were done, the room erupted in applause. Santana tilted her head to the side. "Were we really that good?" She asked incredulously. 

Kurt smiled. "Well, yeah, you were pretty good. It's just that we haven't seen you two happy like that in a while." There were murmurs of agreement.

Santana thought about making a smart remark, but decided to be nice. "Thanks," she said. She and Quinn went back to their spots, and Glee club began.


After school, the two girls went back to Quinn's apartment building. Thank god this place has a wheelchair ramp, Quinn thought as she pushed Santana up it and into the lobby. Once they reached the apartment, Santana let out a sigh and tried her best to stretch in her wheelchair.

"Hey, I'm kind of tired of this thing," Santana said, gesturing to her wheelchair. "Would you please help me onto the couch?" She batted her eyelashes. "Please?" Quinn laughed at her girlfriend's antics and rolled her eyes.

"Fine," she replied, picking up Santana and placing her down gently on the couch. "Do you want to watch something?" Santana shrugged.

"Sure. Let's pick something happy." She thought for a moment. "Okay. Don't judge me for this, but can we watch Gilmore Girls?" Quinn raised an eyebrow. 

"I never pegged you as a Gilmore Girls kind of person, but I'm not complaining. Hell, I like it too." Santana smirked.

"If you tell a single person that I watch this show..." Quinn snorted and poked her playfully in the stomach.

"Don't worry, I won't. Geez." She opened up Netflix and played a random episode. It was the kind of show that you could put on and not pay too much attention too- it set a nice mood. Soon, Santana was sprawled out over Quinn's lap and the blonde was playing with her hair. Once the episode was over, she giggled. "Did anyone ever tell you how adorable you are?"

Santana kissed Quinn's hand. "A badass? Yes. Smokin' hot? Yes. But adorable? No, not really." She slightly quirked an eyebrow, and put on her trademark smirk. "That's a side of me I only show to you, hermosa.

Quinn's face turned red. "God, you're such a shameless flirt," she teased. 

Santana cracked a grin. "Hey- I made the one and only Quinn Fabray blush! That's a win in my book." Quinn shook her head with a smile.

"Oh, shut up. I'm gonna go make a sandwich. If you're nice, I'll make you one too."

When she came back with two sandwiches, Santana's eyes twinkled mischievously. "You would have gotten me a sandwich even if I was rude, wouldn't you? Because I'm just that lovable." Quinn rolled her eyes but laughed.

"Be quiet and eat the damn sandwich."


That night, when they were laying in Quinn's bed, Santana decided to scroll through social media. She hadn't been on it in a while, and was frankly pretty scared. When she opened it though, she was surprised.

god, so sorry for santana. feel better bb <3

things like this shouldn't happen, our system is messed up
sending best wishes to santana
if anyone needs help, dms are open :)

Santana sighed and placed her phone down, turning to face Quinn. "Q?" Her girlfriend looked up from the book she was reading. 


"People are weird." Quinn didn't speak, inviting her to continue. "Like, they were perfectly fine with bullying me, harassing me, and allowing myself to be pushed farther and farther to my breaking point." She ran her fingers through her hair. "But now, after I tried to actually hurt myself... they're acting like they love me." Quinn rolled over and wrapped her arms around her girlfriend.

"It is weird, how that works." She shifted so that her body was almost enveloping Santana's. "The way I see it, they think that bullying or making fun of someone is harmless fun. When their actions, whether directly or indirectly, result in something bad happening.... they don't want to face the fact that they messed up." Quinn smiled sadly. "The human race really is something, isn't it?"

Santana nodded, surprisingly relaxed. "Yeah. It is." And with that, the two settled into sleep.

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