One more before the end

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"How is he?" Amy questioned worriedly as the redhead wondered back into the pro-girls dressing room.

"Oh, sorry Ames, I didn't think anyone would be in here." Dianne returned with an exasperated nature to her voice.

"It's fine I was just popping back in to grab my phone." The Welsh woman responded from her position on the sofa where she was rummaging through her handbag for the item in question. "How is he though?"

Shrugging gently, Dianne sat herself down on the chair by the door, the mirror opposite her alluding to a sense of vulnerability and sadness beneath the layers of makeup and sparkle.

The Semi-final show had, overall, been a great success. With routines of the highest calibre making an appearance throughout the night which made the show nothing more than a master class in several dance styles. With ten paddles being thrown about like they were as common as the worms in the earth, the judges, professionals, and audience members were nothing but impressed. Yet despite this overall sense of joy and high expectations, the evening had not been quite as successful for the redhead and her partner.

With a Viennese Waltz which had too much rise and fall, and an Argentine Tango which apparently wasn't enough for the judges, their surprisingly low scores had left the two of them in a dangerous position at the end of the live show. And as they waited for the votes to roll in, the two of them were left in an unexpected state of concern, and the idea that this would be the end of their journey suddenly becoming far more of a reality than a threat.

"Who knows Ames." The redhead shrugged as she lent her head against the back of the chair. A state of lethargy beginning to take over. "I've told him that I'm happy with how it went, and that I'm proud of him and all that stuff, but I still think he's feeling a little... pressured, I suppose."

Amy nodded in understanding as she stood by the sofa, leaning on the back of it as she looked in understanding at the redhead. With only a year between them, both Amy and Dianne had had similar childhoods. Of course the process of learning to dance on the Western shores of Australia compared to the chilly streets of Caerphilly were an obvious difference between the pair. Yet having both one a national championship at a similar time and of course being asked to join Strictly together, Amy and Dianne often found themselves being able to associate with one another. And this evening was no different.

Having spent week 7 in fear at the bottom of the leader board, and then having been kicked out of the competition with Danny in week 8, the brunette from Wales could relate to the redheads fears better than anyone. The unknowing sense of fear which, as a professional, she would be riddled with combining with several other fears and doubts which all revolved around their celebrity partner. And as much as Amy wanted to comfort the Australian, telling her that it would all be okay and that they wouldn't be bathed in the dreaded red light, Amy knew better than anyone that the only comfort she could get would be from the young man from the West Country with whom she had taken this journey with. The man who now would be able to comfort her not only as her dance partner, yet also as her boyfriend, in a time that she needed it most.

"You should go talk to him Di." Amy suggested softly, prompting the redhead to look back up at her.

"You think so?"

"Of course, I know that you want to."

Dianne shrugged softly in response. Once the live show had finished, Joe had escaped back to the safety of his dressing room as quick as anything. The need to be left alone for a few minutes being obvious to the professional. And despite her want to adhere to his wishes, a part of Dianne wanted nothing more than for him to be the one holding her this time around. After all, she had put just as many hours into rehearsing as he had, if not more.

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