Rainbow connections

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"So... big day." Oti mumbled as she walked down the corridor with a suitcase clutched behind her.

"It is?" Dianne questioned as she followed the South African towards the pro girls dressing room.

"Of course it is... It's the big night, Saturday night!" She rejoiced with a spring in her step.

"Yeah, but why does that make it bigger?"

Stopping abruptly, the dancer looked back at the Australian. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she took a sarcastic glance around her, the walls covered in glittery signs and photos, people shuffling around carrying parts of props and costumes which would have seemed out of place anywhere else. 

"You do realise that we're on this show called Strictly Come Dancing right Di. It's on every Saturday night for like two, three months. I'm sure I've seen you on it before." Oti continued with sarcasm oozing through her words, before she smiled cheekily and began walking once again.

Rolling her eyes, Dianne couldn't help but allow a small chuckle to pass the line of her lips. "Thanks Oti, I'll put it in my Diary." She responded with her own air of sarcasm. "But seriously, why are you so hyped, we do this every week. Its not a themed week, its not a personal best - well, not for you anyway."

"I know, I know; but it's still exciting don't you think?"

"Yeah... I guess so." The redhead shrugged as she pushed the dressing room door open.

"You GUESS so?" Oti questioned following through the open door, smiling at the other dancers who were already in that morning. "Okay, what's up with you Buswell?"

"What do you mean?" Dianne questioned as she placed her bag down on the small dressing table she had claimed as hers the previous year, her eyes instantly settling on a small bouquet of colourful flowers that had been left for her, a smile coming to her lips as she read the accompanying note.

"Usually you're well up for it on a Saturday." The brunette responded, sitting herself down on the wooden chair that the Australian had placed her jacket upon.

"Yeah, as I am today... now move." Dianne responded, in an attempt to remove the South African from her seat.

"Not like you usually are." Oti responded as she refused to move, her big dark eyes boring into the other woman's in an attempt to get an answer out of her.

"I'm just a little stressed is all." She shrugged once again.

"What with the Joe thing?" Oti mused.

"Oooh, trouble in paradise?" Katya joked from across the room with a mock English accent that sounded as if it had come straight from off the set of Downton Abby. Consequently pricking the ears and the attention of Jannette, Karen and Amy from their positions on the sofas.

"Wait, what's gone down with DBuzz and Sugg?" Karen questioned frantically, her eyes darting first to Amy - who shrugged in confusion - before moving across to Janette who gave a startled look across to the redhead.

"She and Joe have had a thing for each other since like their first session but everything keeps going wrong because they're both scared of commitment." Oti spoke across the room, her voice in a sarcastically loud whisper, prompting Dianne to hit her lightly on the shoulder.

"OTI!" She retorted in a whine. "What the fuck?"

"What?" Oti questioned innocently. "Oh come on Di they were going to find out about it eventually. If anything I'm surprised Janette hadn't told them already."

"Actually, she told me about three weeks ago." Katya responded with a gentle shrug.

"ME TOO!" Luba's voice called from the bathroom door situated to the left of the perplexed redhead who threw an embarrassed glare to the petite American on the sofa who immediately mouthed the word 'Sorry' in return.

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