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"Thank you very much for watching guys, and hopefully we should see you next week for the review of TWO dances."

"Gosh, two dances... that's gonna' be a long one isn't it."

"Yeah, we might have to do that in two videos that one... But for now all the best, take care, and goodbye."


Pressing the red button on his camera, Joe looked across to the woman next to him. The two of them sighing contently as they simultaneously sat back in their seats, a look of joy spread across their lips as they revelled in the post filming satisfaction they always seemed to have after filming one of their reaction videos.

"Right, that is the Salsa, officially finished." Joe concluded as he raised his arms above his head in what was either a celebration or some kind of bizarre stretch. "Thank goodness for that!" He rejoiced further.

"I thought you liked the salsa?" Dianne questioned as she swivelled slightly on her seat, looking over at the brunette who continued to keep his arms in the air.

"Oh don't get me wrong I loved it." He responded hastily to cover his tracks. "But it's just nice to know that that's it, you get me... Like another chapter is done... Out to sea... Off our shoulders... Never to be seen again... Le fin."

Allowing a gentle snort of laughter to escape from the back of her throat, Dianne rolled her eyes at the chaos of the younger man, who's big blue eyes and wide smile seemed so much more alive now that he had been doing what he loved.

After thirteen weeks with him in a training room, Dianne was assured that Joe was falling in love with dancing, that he had loved every second of what it was they were doing, and that above all else, it made him happy. Yet whenever Dianne saw herself watching Joe sit, stand or lye in front of a small, hand held camera in his own home, on his own accord, he seemed to just light up in such a way which he just wouldn't anywhere else. His eyes would light up with excitement, his smile would almost instantly grow wider, and you could practically see the way in which his heart would explode with happiness as he did what he loved more than anything else in the world. It was his first love after all. And despite knowing that he wanted to broaden his horizons and venture out into other areas of performance or entertainment, Dianne knew that with everything he did, there would never be a camera too far out of his reach.

"Well don't relax too much there Joseph, we still have plenty of things left to do these next two weeks." She eventually responded as she got up off of the bar stool, carrying her now empty glass of water over to the sink, leaving the brunette to delicately and precisely tidy away all his treasured equipment.

"Believe me I know." Joe retorted back sarcastically, a small smile edging onto his lips as he did so. "But for now..." He continued, prompting the redheads eyes to follow his movements over towards the lounge area. "We sleep." He concluded with a dramatic flop onto his sofa.

Allowing a small laugh to escape her lips, Dianne made her way over to the brunette, before settling herself down in a convenient crook in his arm, her head resting gently on his shoulder as their legs intertwined with ease.

Since that strange afternoon a few weeks back when Joe had casually asked the redhead to be his girlfriend, the two of them had gone from strength to strength both on and off of the dancefloor. Their previous worries about it being too soon to put a label on things clearly being proven wrong, as it seemed now more than ever that what the two of them needed, all they had ever really needed, was the confidence that the other was committed to making something out of nothing. To making the craziness of the road they had accidently travelled down to get to where they were now, worth while.

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