The second of many

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"Okay, now I need you to make sure you keep your balance on that left leg, whilst putting pressure on the right one and gliding it across the floor alright Joe." The red head instructed as she went through the steps early that Monday morning. Her eyes wide and beaming whilst her counter parts were still heavy with sleep.

The tardiness of a Monday morning training session was something that the redhead had practically become accustomed too over the past eight or nine weeks of tireless dancing. And despite the occasional spout of irritation she gained on such a morning, it was something that the redhead had soon found to be quite an endearing feature to the tussled hair, dreary eyed young man who she saw shuffle in through a set of doors at the start of the week.

"Like this?" Joe questioned as he moved his body in what he thought was the acquired manor.

"Not bad." Dianne shrugged in response. "You need a stronger core okay. I can see you wobbling about a little bit so just keep it tight and keep your head up and you should feel yourself be a little sturdier."

Nodding again, Joe looked at himself in the mirror. His small legs and petite body frame seeming to be overshadowed by the weight of the Paso; and the mere idea of the raging bull fighter in which he was trying to embody seeming to be the last thing on anybody's mind that morning.

"Hey." Dianne muttered softly, noting the somewhat forlorn look on his features. Pressing a soothing palm against his outstretched, matador arm, the Australian prompted the younger man to look at her. The already defeatist glance in his ocean eyes seeming to throw her off a little. "You can get this right you know." She nodded softly. A warm smile coming to rest on her features as she watched him nod his head softly in return. A small hint of joy coming to his lips whilst the ocean cold blue of his irises seemed to dilate a little at the sight of her.

"Yeah... okay." He nodded softly in response. Before clearing his throat a little, and strengthening his core, before ploughing on with the expertly choreographed steps for the rest of the morning.

"Right, let's take a quick 10 minutes there okay." Dianne instructed as she took a step across to the speaker system an hour or two later. Unplugging her already low on battery phone and removing one of the many sets of confusing wires, in an attempt to relieve themselves from the opening beats of the song for at least a little while.

"Is this a 'you're doing well, relax' kind of break, or a 'for the love of god let the madness stop' kind of break?" The brunette questioned with a smirk as he took a sip of water from his bottle.

"Umm... let's go with it's somewhere in between." The redhead joked with a subtle rise of her eyebrows and a sarcastic role of her eyes which did not go unnoticed by the brunette.

"You know what, I'll take it." He responded with a chuckle edged behind his voice. His arm instantly snaking around the professionals shoulders as she settled on the space on the floor next to him. Her previously stern teacher-like persona seeming to dissipate within seconds as she shuffled impossibly close to the young man.

It had become yet another frequent occurrence in the training room, or so Joe had noted, that the many personalities and roles of Dianne Buswell had the ability to change in minutes. That the serious, all knowing dance teacher could turn into the fun loving, goofy weirdo which the brunette had begun to desperately fall for in a matter of seconds.

"Good, because I'm not planning on handing out many awards for it just yet." Dianne responded with a soft smile before taking a sip of water for herself. Her body shuffling a little closer to the younger mans as she did so.

"Speaking of awards..." Joe prompted tentatively, stealing a glance to the woman beside him. "What are we planning?"

"What do you mean?"

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