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"Left foot there Joe. Left foot!" Dianne repeated for what felt like the hundredth time that morning. "Come on Sugg, which one is it?" She questioned, throwing a stern glance his way.

"Ooh, tough call that one." Joe mumbled sarcastically, his head tilted slightly as he rose his finger up to his lip as he pondered the question. "Ummm, the right one?" 

Rolling her eyes at him in derision, the redhead couldn't help but laugh at his naturally funny side. His cheeky sense of humour admittedly causing her to smile, whilst the other side of her couldn't help but become irritated at him like she used to be at her older brothers after they made fun of her when they were kids. 

"You're so annoying." She mumbled in return with a shake of her head. Her hands falling onto his shoulders as the pair of them stood closer than ever on the centre of the training room floor. The flimsy excuse of a collapsed ballroom hold being their alibi for such closeness in front of the few crew members who had gathered around the outskirts of the room, preparing themselves for the filming of the VT that morning.

"I'm sorry." Joe nodded in return, his smile wide as he looked down a little at her. "It's the left one. I'll get it right next time okay, I promise."

"Good, now lets run it again." Dianne responded with a smile as she dropped her sweaty palms from the strength of his shoulders, only to grab his palm and walk the younger man back across to the other side of the room. 

Taking a breath, the two of them sat down on the chairs next to one another. Their backs straight, and eyes forward as the pair waited for the opening bars of the song. For moments later, only to stand up once again and dance with one another across every square inch of the polished dark wooden floor.

The past few days had been a breeze for the pair waltzing across the room other for the difficulties of the dance seeming to frazzle both Joe's mind and Dianne's patience as a teacher. But ever since Joe's promise to take a step away from Dianne's personal life, the two of them seemed to be making more progress in their relationship than ever before. Of course it wasn't the type of relationship that the two of them had both dreamed for at one point or another, but as they spent the past two days in one another's company laughing and joking the day away as nothing more than fantastic friends, it seemed as if the troubles they had encountered before hand had been nothing but a blip in time for the two of them.

"GOOD!" Dianne yelled over the music as Joe stepped on his left foot for the first time that morning, prompting her to look over slightly at his features. His eyes wide and focused as he continued to lead her across the floor, his lips curled over slightly as he concentrated, and a perceptible air of calm surrounding his usually chaotic features as he held her in her arms that morning.

"There they are!" A high pitch voice called from across the room, prompting the redhead to look away from her partner in a startled manor. The gentle fuzz in the base of her stomach which had once again seemed to arise quickly falling away as Dianne became ripped from her trance.

Taking in where the voice came from, Dianne allowed a small sigh to leave her lips as her eyes met the sight of a petite brunette, a wide - unwavering smile plastered upon her face, whilst a pair of big blue eyes looked back across to the Australian.

"Zoe!" Joe responded gleefully as he jogged lightly across the room towards his sister, instantly embracing the brunette into a large hug once he got to her.

"How are you my big time ballroom brother?" She questioned softly as she looped her arms around his back. A small sentiment that seemed to make Dianne's heart melt a little.

"I'm good. Tired... but good." Joe responded as he pulled out of the hug. "You?"

"Yeah not bad I... I'm sorry to hear about you and Holly." Zoe responded softly as she looked up to the ashen features of her little brother. 

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