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A/N Hey people! Before we begin I just very quickly wanted to thank you all for receiving 10K reads on this story. It's always a great milestone to reach, and is something which I always feel immensely proud of so thank you xx

A pair of black jeans and a dark green top...

That's what she had decided to wear. That's what she had laid out on her bed before she hopped into the shower that evening, and what now had kept her attention as she stood at the foot of her mattress with a red towel wrapped around her sopping wet hair and a crisp white towel around her body. Her tired brain weighing up whether this was really the best she could do without seeming to go over the top for her date that night.

Today had already been a long day for the Australian on English shores. It had consisted of hours upon hours of Foxtrotting around two different studios, only to amount to the dancer coming back to her dingy apartment on the opposite side of London so she could have a shower, get changed, and head back across to the west side of London for a date with the man she had spent her entire day with. A confusing, somewhat apprehensive date which, despite her tiredness and inner need to curl up in front of an overly cheesy film, she was beyond excited for. The unrelenting bubbly feeling in her lower stomach which hadn't left since the live show on Saturday night, seeming to only become stronger as the big moment came closer and closer.

The big moment which she had decided to wear a pair of black jeans and a dark green top for, only now to find herself feeling completely inadequate for the young man in her mind. The bright blue eyed, devilishly handsome young man who barely an hour ago had seen her covered in sweat with messy hair, wearing gym clothes that she hadn't washed in days.

It was ridiculous really, or so she thought, to feel as if a few items of clothing would be the make or break decision for the level of admiration that someone she had already known on an intimate level for months would have for her. That different colours of cloth would be the thing to make the next few hours with someone special either a roaring success or a devastating failure. She knew it was ridiculous, yet still - readjusting the towel that had began to slip a little off the top of her head - Dianne found herself picking up the two items of clothing and throwing them casually across the room, landing haphazardly amongst a pile of clothes she was yet to have sorted out, before heading back to the wardrobe to revaluate her choice.

After a few moments of quiet deliberation, the redhead decided on a simple black jumpsuit and a pair of heels, adorned with some subtle earrings to mix with natural makeup and a loose, flowing nature to her hair which cascaded down her back in gentle curls.

"Right..." She muttered to herself with a sigh as she stood in front of the mirror, her hand pressing onto her abdomen to flatten the black fabric. Her palm seeming to rest on the spot of her tummy that was fluttering with nervous excitement. "Come on Di, it's only Joe." She whispered further as she took one final look in the mirror before leaving her room, rushing into her living room to grab her phone and keys, placing them softly into the small handbag she had hooked over her shoulder, only to rush further out of her apartment and hailing the first taxi she could get a hold of, spilling out an address in Battersea as she got in. That same bubbly feeling of excitement seeming to be the main fuel of adrenaline that evening.


"Here you are darling." The thick, south London accent of the taxi driver piped up once the car had pulled up outside of a tall block of swanky apartments.

"Thank you." She responded with a smile before pulling out a twenty pound note for his troubles.

"You look familiar." He mumbled somewhat quizzically as he took the money from her. His thick, greying eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he looked at her.

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