Wardrobe malfunctions

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A/N Hey people! Very quickly before we start I just wanted to say that this chapter is my 250th chapter on Wattpad which is ridiculous. I only noticed it the other day but I am genuinely astonished at this and I really want to thank those of you who take time out of your day to read what I write. When I started back in January of 2019 I was expecting to maybe write one or two stories at a push, but to be here 250 chapters later is insane. So whether you've been with me from the start, from half way through, or from last week, I really can't thank you enough. Anyway, enough rambling let's crack on for the 250th time! xx

"Ugh." Joe grumbled unenthusiastically as he awoke that morning. A beam of sunlight bursting through a gap in the pastel pink curtain he had managed to focus on in front of him. The gentle sounds of tweeting birds being abolished by the rip roaring headache of an alarm coming from his phone.

"Joe, turn it off." An equally unenthusiastic, sleepy voice piped up beside him. The Australian accent he had heard all of the previous day seeming to be the only thing which could prompt him to shuffle out of the comfortable cocoon he had made himself last night and wonder across the floor. The cold air hitting his bare chest as he made his way across to the suit jacket he had worn the previous night in order to find his phone and turn off the rude awakening that was his phone.

"What time is it?" The gravely voice that had spoken a few seconds ago questioned.

"Just gone six o'clock." The brunette shrugged with a yawn as he padded back across the floor. His tired and achy body instantly finding it's way back under the convers in such a manor that prompted the other to snuggle up into the warmth of his body, much like they had done all night.

"Why does your alarm go off so early?" Dianne questioned as she rested her head on his chest, a smile coming to her lips as the sound of his heart dulled her back into a state of sleep whilst the protection of his arms snaking around her back allowed her settle into him further.

"That's only alarm one of three you do realise." The brunette responded with a smirk. "One at six... one at half past... then the last at seven. How else am I meant to get up on time for your insane schedules?" Joe questioned sarcastically, prompting a small giggle to escape the Australians lips before the two of them jumped back into a content state of silence and resumed the enjoyable state of sleep they had become accustomed to.

It was a strange way to wake up, or so Joe thought as he slowly slipped back into rest. That despite the close proximities he had already shared with the girl in his arms, and the prior hopes he had had about what last night could have entailed for the pair, the feeling of waking up together in her bed, simply enjoying the mundane realism of sleep with one another seemed to be one of the most life affirming feelings he had experienced in a very long time.

After the conversation Joe had been roped into with one of the executives of the BBC last night at the Pride of Britain awards, Joe had very quickly found himself walking out of the event arm in arm with the stunning redhead, who - in a flash - placed him in a car and took him back to her apartment on the opposite corner of London. Where the pair of them chatted until the early hours of the morning with a glass of wine in hand. Only to call it a night and escape to the comfort of the bedroom where they fell asleep in one another's arms for a few hours before the deafening sound of Joe's alarm had woken them up.

It was decidedly mundane. With no over consumption of alcohol, amorous activities of any kind other than the odd kiss here and there, and a rather modest lack of a hangover that morning, Joe found him in a content state of joy at the relaxed nature of what he had with the girl beside him. They were in no rush to move forward, in no hurry to take leaps into the future, and with no need to go anywhere other than a training room once Joe's third alarm had gone off, the young man from the West Country found himself partially out of character as he entered the new stages of what might be a relationship.

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