Dancing fools - part 2

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"Okay so Bruno, if you also choose to save Graham and Oti that means that Kate and Alijaz, you will be leaving the competition tonight." Tess said softly with the upmost sympathy she could muster, all whilst maintaining the professionalism her job required.

Joe stood there on tenterhooks. This was always the worst part of a weekend, and a part that nobody - whether they were safe or not - ever looked forward to watching. The initial gut retching tension which was caused by the threat of being illuminated by a red light seeming to carry through all the way to the end of the recorded show late that Saturday night.

And as he watched four of the nicest people he had ever met stand on the middle of the Blackpool floor, his arm wrapped as tightly around his redheaded companion as possible, Joe felt his stomach swirl in a way which was far from the bubbly feeling of excitement he had gotten earlier. Both Graham and Kate had been incredible both on and off the dancefloor, and a small part of Joe's heart broke for them as he watched them stand there, awaiting the eccentric Italians decision.

"Due to a more, rounded performance..." Bruno began, sighing softly in the middle of his sentence to add the touch of dramatics that this part of the programme required. "The couple that I would like to save is Graham and Oti."

As the words fell from his lips, Joe listened in to the soft sigh which escaped every single mouth from the set of professionals and celebrities who were stood in the safety of the Clauditorium. The sigh they let out being a confusing one that was a mixture of gratitude that it wasn't themselves who had to leave the show, a sigh of joy that Graham and Oti had made it through, and a sigh of disappointment that Kate and Alijaz would have to leave. All whilst there was a secret bundle of overwhelming joy that the remaining partnerships could dance again that Monday morning.

After a few more moments of sadness, joy and utter confusion, the remaining couples made there way out onto the floor to say a televised goodbye to the couple. Of course their real goodbyes would be said later on, but whilst the cameras were still rolling everyone took the opportunity to give the pair a hug and suggest their sorrow.

"Alijaz, mate I'm so sorry." Joe said softly as he hugged the Slovenian a few minutes after the cameras had stopped rolling and the ballroom erupted into the general chitter-chatter of people.

"Oh it's okay Jonathan don't worry." Alijaz responded, using the opportunity to jump back to the weird inside joke that the two of them had somehow created over the past few months.

"For gods sake." Joe rolled his eyes with a chuckle as he withdrew from the hug. "I'm only going to let that one slide because you've just been chucked out, but from Monday I hope your ready for a very strongly worded text message." The younger of the two joked as he gently hit the other man's arm.

"Well I look forward to it." Alijaz responded with a smile. "Speaking of looking forward to things..." The Slovenian continued after a few beats of silence and a glance around the two of them to see if anyone was listening in to their rather mundane conversation. "Have you said anything yet too.... y'know." He questioned as he nodded over to his right hand side.

Following the head tilt, Joe watched as his eyes fell on the cascade of luscious red locks which were contrasted by the flurry of light blue feathers around her. Her back turned to the rest of the people on the dancefloor as she shared a conversation with the people who Joe recognised as his family. His Dad and Uncle stood in front of the redhead with wide smiles of their own.

"Oh..." Joe responded, bringing his gaze back onto the man before him. "Not yet no... But I was planning to ask later on, maybe once we get back to the hotel tonight." He confessed as he dipped his head slightly lower, watching as his feet casually pushed a rogue piece of confetti across the polished ballroom floor.

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