wonder woman and Superman's daughter? part 2

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"What is lovely lady like you doing here," a drunk man slurred. You probably wondering how I got here well.

Wonder woman wanted Maya to have a good life so she sent her to Paris to live with her trusted cousin Sabine. Of course after saying goodbye to batman.

She sent Nino, Alix and Kim with her to be with her all the way and so they could too have a semi normal childhood.

In Paris she got the ladybug miraculous. She was good with her powers and all the training. She had a trusting partner and teammates. She also became guardian and earned new powers.

School was nice and she had amazing friends or so she thought. Lila came and started spreading rumors of course Nino, Kim, Juleka, Chloe, Adrien, Alix, Kagami and Luka didn't believe her. This went on for 2 years.

Those who didn't believe her bullied her. They bullied her physically, mentally and emotionally. Along with cyber bulling. They ruined her website so she started another one as MDC. But she survived the physical bulling you know super strength and all.

Lila tried her fake tears on Sabine and Tom but they dismissed her since she said that "Queen Diana Prince aka wonder woman was her aunt," *insert Lila's ugly high screechy voice*.

Maya obviously used the name Marinette but no one knew her last name they just assumed she was a Dupain-Cheng. She won a school trip to Gotham and Metropolis. Of course after some mental abuse from miss Bustier. The trip was in two days and of course Lila took credit along with claiming that she knew the Wayne's and the Kent's you know the usual.

At the airport in Gotham they forgot her so she had to walk. While walking she heard footsteps behind her but with her super hearing she hear how he stumbled like he was drunk. After walking at a fast pace and turning into a alley way he cornered her.

"What is a lovely lady like you doing here," the man slurred.

"Trying to get away from people like you,"

He growled then took out a gun and pulled the trigger but I caught the bullet. He looked surprised and I used that to my advantage and kicked the gun out of his hands then crabbed the gun and crushed in my palms. He tried to charge at me after recovering but I was quicker and I dodged then punched him and sent him flying into a wall. I picked up a metal rod and bent it around his hands.

I heard a thud and turned to see the batfam looking at me in shock.

"Uhmm...haha...uhmm...hi," I chuckled nervously.

They shook their shock and red hood approached me he walked around me studying me then proceeded to talk.

"You are so tiny how did you beat a guy twice your size and did you see that she caught the bullet she caught the bullet B you better adopt and the crushing the gun oh man you better teach me me that pixie pop!" He exclaimed.


"You are so cute like a tiny bad ass elf," nightwing said.


"Where did you learn that!" robin asked. It's not like I can say 'hey my parents are wonder woman and Superman and I am super strong' do I said what everyone says.


"Boys," batman said while approaching me.

"What are you doing in Gotham at night?" He asked.

"I'm here for an exchange program hosted by Bruce Wayne I'm from Paris and am here with my class they left me at the airport but its OK I'm used to it,"

"Wait you won the trip?" red robin


"And your class left you in Gotham yourself?" nightwing

"What kind of teacher does that?" red hood


"Let's take you back to Wayne hotel I assume," batman asked

"Yeah thanks,"

Then Batman walked me home. I didn't know what to say since he is my father figure.

"Does dad know about me yet ubaba?"

"No I'm sorry but maybe you can tell him when its time,"

"OK will mom be OK with it?"

"I don't know maybe check with her first,"

"Do you think mom knows I'm here?"

"Your mother knows everything about you,"


"How is Paris I want you to tell me tomorrow because we are here,"

"Thank you bye,"

I walked inside and everyone bombarded me with questions. I ignored and simply walked to my room.

We left for a tour to WE and I met with Bruce Wayne in his office. He and his sons were inside. Bruce introduced his sons to me and introduced me to the them. There was a lot of swearing and cooeing and shock and excitement. They soon got to know each other and Marinette told them about Paris. Marinette and Damian hit it off and soon became a couple. Of course Lila was jealous and tried to ruin it but failed because this was the daughter of superman and wonder woman.

A/n there will be a part 3 for when they are in metropolis


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