Why save me

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The Malfoy case ended a few days ago, and all the papers are in on the gossip. All posting their own opinion. You read the Daily prophet at the bar, it was around 11 on a cool Sunday morning. You drank a cup of hot coffee, skimming the paper.

Someone sits down next to you, without looking there way you continue reading.
"The Malfoy case" the stranger speaks.

"Yeah, the boy and his mother were relieved of all charges" you explain, as if they somehow didn't know. Which was silly because everyone knew.

"I think they should have been locked away" the stranger says coldly. .

"I don't know, I knew Draco Malfoy in school. He may have been a prat at times. But he wasn't evil" you set down the paper. People were so quick to judge without actually knowing someone.

"Life as a child soldier... I can't imagine"

"Hmm" the stranger sighs. The rest of the Restaurant was nearly empty. It wasn't quite time yet for the lunch rush.

"I think Draco deserves redemption, and I hope he gets it" you state matter of factly. Eyes now looking over to the stranger. Standing your ground was nothing new to you, and this was something you felt strongly about. Draco was just a child when it all began, he was just trying to stay alive.

The stranger wore a hood, dark and long. Covering his face majority of the way. So you couldn't make out his features.

"Take out order for DM?" The waiter yells, with a paper bag of food hanging from his fist.

"Thank you for talking with me" the stranger spoke, grabbing the bag quickly and exiting the restaurant.

You watched after him for only a moment. Expecting more of a fight
Draco had called you a mudblood once at school your 6th year. He was seemingly dealing with something awful. You know now of course what it was.

"I am not" you responded. Usually you would just ignore him, because that was just easier. Most of you did. But today you were just sick of everything, and were itching to fight someone. He had bumped into you late at night while you wandered the halls. Your roommate had kicked you out of your room for the night to hook up with some boy. Slytherins really sucked sometimes.

He looked at you surprised at your response, was it because you stood up to him? Or was it because you were the only person outside of his friend group who spoke to him and didn't just pretend he wasn't there. You both sat and talked for a moment then. He really had been off that year, and most people were just pretending not to notice, or maybe they just didn't.

You finally finished your coffee, and a sweet pastry before leaving. You started walking to your car which was just down the street. While walking you came across an alley where people were hastily rushing inside. You looked in, it took your eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness, it was then you say a group of 3 men kicking the same man in the hood as he lay on the ground. His wand was nowhere to be seen.

"Enough!" you yell, your wand at the ready. The men stop for a moment.

"Step away Witch, this is none of your business!" One of the men yell.

"EXPELLIARMUS!" you yell, a hot white light shooting from your wand. Knocking one of the men into another. They looked at your again. Now attempting to step towards you.

"Stupify!" and with that the men fall limp to the ground. You walked passed them, your heels clicking as you walked down the pavement to the man they had been beating. His hood had been pulled back now, exposing the face of Draco Malfoy.

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