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The train ride to your car as a short one, made shorter by such good company. You all talked about your lives, Ginny and Harry talked about wanting to have kids. Ron and Hermione said that they would like to once Hermione was done with school.

"Can you imagine if all of our kids go to Hogwarts together?" Ginny gushed, she planned on having a big family just like her mom. She made you envy her at times, having so many people in the world who would die for you in an instant. You consider yourself so lucky, you had Draco and Elenore who despite everything had been by your side, she was there the day your dad died caring for him when he insisted you go back to school. She'd even made her way to Hogwarts the night he died. You were standing in your room when she poofed in, she didn't have to say a word and you knew. Kneeling and hugging her as you cried, she tried to get you to come home that night. So you wouldn't be so alone, but told her you needed to be at Hogwarts. That was the night you saw Draco in the tower.

You are lost in thought when Draco squeezed your side.

"You okay y/n?" Hermione asked, "I have been calling your name for a minute now, you looked like you were in another world"

"Can you believe this? I mean, look at us. If you told me my 7th year I would be sitting here, loved, and wanted. I wouldn't have even thought about going to the tower." You spoke, the words rolling out of you before you could stop them.

"The tower?" Ginny asked

"Oh... yeah... 7th year, after my father died I had walked up the stairs of the astronomy tower. Fully planning to throw myself over the same ledge Dumbledore went over." You admitted, you were ashamed of this at times. It was a part of your life you sometimes wished you could forget, but not now.

"What made you change your mind?" Ron asked he held Hermione close to him on his lap.

"Draco did actually, I saw him standing there. I thought he was going to throw himself over first. I planned on saving him if he tried. I've even wondered if Leviosa would work on a whole person. But he didn't, instead, he said something." you looked at Draco, who gave you a small smile.

"He said, everything changes after Hogwarts. He had no idea how right be was"

"You did end up saving me, maybe not that night. But eventually." he laid his hand on your cheek, stroking it lightly.

"And I'd do it again"


When you got to the station you got off the train, Harry and Ginny joined you, they left their car here as well. Ron and Hermione planned to ride the train longer, stopping wherever they may land and have a holiday. That sounded like something you may need to try. You grabbed your keys, hitting the unlock button in the array of cars. You think you would remember where you parked.

"Can't find your car?" Harry asked, holding onto the handle of his.

"I don't think it's here?" you wondered, it didn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

"Let us drive you home. You can call it in, in the morning." You shuffled into Harry's vehicle. Cuddling close with Draco in the backseat. You could see Ginny and Harry holding hands in the front seat. You smiled, it was since to see everyone just so happy.

It took about an hour to get to your house, you insisted Harry let you give him money for the trouble. He explained of course the car was magic and did not take petrol. Why you had never thought about that before you weren't sure.

Harry pulled around the corner to your street. Ginny gasped, throwing her hand over her mouth as you pulled up. You looked out of the window, it was gone.

The house lay in a pile of ash, the foundation dusted with black soot. Tall beams that once were the structure of the house stood like a skeleton. You ripped the car door open, running through your front gate into the now gray yard.

"No. No. No no no no" was all you could get out, as you crashed to your knees. You pulled chunks of wood and ash to your chest. 'No no no no no" you kept screaming as you sat there, your body now covered in black.

"y/n! Stop please you're going to make yourself sick!" Draco ran up to you, pulling you from the ground.

"Everything is gone. Draco everything. My dad. All his stuff. His bed, his room, his clothes. Draco they're all gone" you started hyperventilating. Wait...Where was Elenor? You tried to pull away from Draco, you had to get to the elves quarters. A back portion of the house you'd built later on for them. It was made of mostly stone like they asked so it should still be standing. You could barely see it through the skeletons of the house. "Let me go" you pulled at Draco, who held you. "For fuck sakes Draco let me go!" you yelled, ripping yourself from him, You ran through the rubble, your legs getting gashes in the wreckage along the way. You got to the hut, it looked untouched, how was that possible? You tried unlocking the door, but it didn't budge. Pulling out your want you blasted the door open, making your way inside.

"ELEANOR?!" you looked into the blackness, you moved in quickly tripping over something on your way in. with your wand in hand you spoke "Lumos" but your wand only lit for a second before you say what lay on the floor. You screamed the blood-curdling sound of your voice ripped through the air. Draco was there, standing in the doorway. Holding the door open. He lit his wand to find you kneeling hunched over, holding Eleanor in your arms. You sobbed, your breathing was rushed and your heart felt like it was going to just stop working. You looked up at Draco, who was in shock.

"She's... she's dead" you cried loudly, unable to hold anything in. At that moment the Auror came in, and the world fell into a blur. You were being walked back to Harry's car by Draco. Who carried you. You rested your head on his chest, your body had given out. He set you in the car, before turning to Harry who stood talking to one of the Auror men. They came fast when harry called.

"It looks like she was killed" Harry whispered, probably hoping you wouldn't hear him. But you did. The words crashed through you like a title wave. "Probably by whoever burned down your house" he whispered even quieter. You felt sick, you lunged forward out of the open window. Black bile pouring from your body, probably from all that soot you had breathed in.

"Ginny take her home. Draco and I will meet you" Ginny nodded, getting into the car.

"Draco" you tried to call to him, but nothing came out. Ginny drove away quickly, you watched through the back window as you drove away. Draco, Harry, and the Auror all standing before the rubble of your life. Who would do this? Why? Your head was foggy, as it hit the back seat.

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