to me...

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You thought for a moment you had slipped into a dream, or even a memory. The large structure before you so perfectly mimicked that of a long lost place. Gray against the night time sky with the same red door you had run to a million times on your way home. And that's what was finally, for the first time in a long time. Standing before you, your home. In the same place it once had fallen into.

"How?" You asked again, unable to pull your eyes away from the thing standing before you.

"I commissioned some people to come and rebuild it.. It took a long time. I wondered if sometimes it was even going to happen. I wrote down everything I could remember from it from the time I had spent there with you, when we first found one another." you could hear the smile in his voice, he was utterly so proud of himself "I even managed to find the blueprints to the house at the local offices... your father.."

"He built this house himself..." you paused "I mean he did that one..."

"This is as absolutely as exact as I could manage"

"Draco its..." Before you could finish he grabbed your hand.

"Don't say anything just yet, come in a see the inside before you really tell me"

He tugged you up the few front steps, the concrete even sounded the same against your shoes. He waved his wand to open the door, the lock clicked open. You couldn't help but feel your body as it started shaking, why on earth were you so nervous?

"If anything is not how you want it, just say so and I will fix it" he seemed just as nervous, this grand gesture needed to be everything he hoped it to be.

"Baby" you spoke "just take me inside"

You watched his hand intently as it came to the handle, turning it slowly.

It was every single thing you'd remembered. From the way that the stairs creak as you walk up them, to the rolling fireplace your father had always stoked with pinewood, the best smelling kind.

"This..." he stood just outside the mocking view that once had been your bedroom door "is the one place I know the absolute best '' he had given you an in depth tour of nearly the entire house. All the way down to the lazy susan that spun in the kitchen cabinet when you opened the door, it was enchanted iof course to know exactly what you needed. He opened the door, allowing you to go inside before him. The windows in the room allow for the moon to shine in and dance on the floor, you couldn't manage to bring yourself to turn on the light. Draco seemed to be able to read your mind, like he always had been able to. Waving his wand to illuminate the room, you gasped suddenly. It was everything you'd remembered, the black dresser sitting on the wall to your right, in front of the mirror rested things like a hair brush and some candles they lit as he illuminated the room, the smell already seeping into the air. Sweet apple and lemon graced your senses, it was the same candle you had been burning the night you brought him home.

"The dresser is still empty, I hadn't had a chance to bring over our things" Draco explained as he followed your glance. You felt your heart melting somehow even more as your eyes skimmed the room. Landing on the windows nearest the bed. Outside lingered a tree, just far enough away that it didn't touch the glass but you could see as the branches danced in the wind outside. Your eyes finally fell to the bed, the black blanket looked soft and new, like the finest of cottons. The pillows hinting at the sheets that sat underneath, shining silk in a dark green. The posts of the bed rolled into the same perfected roses it had once had. You walked to the bed, your fingers skimming over the etched wood.

"How did you remember every single thing?" you asked, he had even gotten the nightstands perfect.

"This was the room where my life really started. The one where I realized I was actually able to love someone" he wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his chin into your unscarred shoulder. "This room and it's person saved my life. I couldn't forget it if I tried"

"This is all so..." you couldn't help but feel the tears seeping from your eyes, dampening your cheeks. "Absolutely perfect." you wiped away at the tears that stained your cheeks.

"Is it? Are you sure? If I got anything wrong just..." you stopped him with a soft kiss.

"You are far too wonderful for your own good Draco Malfoy" you whispered once you broke your kiss. He smiled back at you, unspeaking. He kissed you again, this time pushing your body to the fresh comforter, the sweet smell of lavender blooming into the air around you.

"I am happy you like it" he grinned as your hands wandered to his hair.

"I love it," you kissed him quickly "but not as much as I love you" He moved his lips to your neck, kissing softly at the spot just below your neck, lending him a soft needy whimper.

"Do you remember our first time?" he whispered in your ear, his voice igniting that flame. "The way I kissed your chest" he let his mouth fall to the exposed stick just above your shirt collar "the way I tasted you skin" his mouth wandered back to your neck.

He gasped a little as he felt your fingers working at the button of his pants, making quick work of them.

"The way I did this" you sighed as your hand slid into his pants, rubbing him softly. You watched him intently as his mouth let out a replying moan. His hands were faster now, pulling away at the clothes you were wearing. Nearly tearing away your bra, breaking the latches. His mouth met your chest then, while your hand continued to move on him, your fingers wrapping around. Each stroke forced him to breathe heavier. He managed to strip you both down to nothing, your bodies working together perfectly up into the fabric of the bed. No more words were spoken, just the feeling of pure lust as he plunged into you. His body, your trusted and most needed oasis. You wrapped your legs around his hips, forcing him hard onto your body. His elbows rising to the same place than had been then, on either side of your shoulders using it as a way to drive harder and harder in you. This time you didn't wait to dig your fingernails into the skin of his back, panting and whimpering for him.

"Oh Draco" you moaned for him, his muscles tight under his skin. He felt just as amazing as the first time, the smell of his cologne managed to seep into his very being. Leaving you breathless and he drove into you again and again.

You felt that familiar lava, it sunk deep into every inch of you. So absolutely euphoric. Your breathing stuttered as it rolled into its climax, like a crashing wave on your body. He groaned into the skin of your neck as you came billowing down around him. He kissed you hard, his body taking in all of you. The moans that lingered coaxing him to his own high, which hit him hard. He came deep in you, the feeling making his name leave your mouth and yours in his.

"I love you" he whispered as his body rested on yours.

"I love you Draco"

"I wager theres no food in the kitchen?" you smiled as you watched him pull on his clothes, you lay under the covers just enjoying the feeling of the new sheets on your skin.

"No.. Sorry love no luck" he smiled, fastening his belt. "But I could always order us something"

"Chinese?" you giggled. He walked back over to the bed, leaning over you.

"Anything you want" he kissed your forehead softly.

"How did you ever think of this?" you asked.

"Well" he leaned back, standing. "I knew no matter where we were, what house we had, or where it was. It wouldn't be this place." he chewed on his cheek "And I wanted you to be at home" You giggled a little at his words.

"You're unreal Draco Malfoy." you sat up, holding the blanket to you. "Do you ever miss your home? The manor I mean" you asked.

He looked like he was thinking for a long time, then just smiled. "You're my home, anywhere you are. That's home to me"

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