Plan all along

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"I'd like to enter our vault," Draco said as you stood before the head Goblin. The goblin barely looked up at you from the paper before him.

"Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy" he nodded, "would that be the Malfoy vault or the Y/L/N?" He asked.

"Malfoy please" Draco nodded, you looked up at the goblin a little confused, you had thought you'd arranged for your vaults to be combined.

"Follow me" the goblin walked his way down the stairs to his seat. You followed close behind Draco, he had mentioned previously that he had never actually been in the Malfoy vault before so both of you were more than prepared for it to be guarded with some kind of spell or two.

The cart ride to the vault was amusing as ever, you can only really recall ever taking it once before your first year at Hogwarts. Somehow the guarding of the bank had gotten up since then, if that was even possible. The cart flew on its normal pipes, making you pull your hair close to your body so it wouldn't float around you too badly. Suddenly you found yourselves doused with water. The Thief's Downfall seeped over your skin, chilling you to your bone.

"Is that really necessary?" Draco asked, wiping his face and turning to the goblin who seemed completely unfazed.

"It's protocol when you go to this part of the vaults" he said curtly, not looking at either of you but right ahead. You squeezed the remaining water from your hair, reaching for a small vile you always kept (a little trick you learned from Professor Slughorn) and ringed the water into the glass. The water could be useful later on, you never know.

Suddenly you were brought to a screeching stop, your body nearly being lunged forward. Draco's arm was the only thing keeping you from falling forward completely.

"I told you to hang tight" he grinned at you. You rolled your eyes at him, but smiled standing along with the goblin who paid little attention to either of you.

"You have an hour, then I'll come back and check. If you'd like to be picked up earlier. Just light this torch" he pointed to a large, ancient looking torch mounted on the wall near the door.

"Right" Draco nodded, looking at the large vault door. You watched as the goblin slid his long nail over something you couldn't see, the hitches and licks of the door coming undone. You weren't sure why you were nervous.

The goblin got into the cart and was gone as soon as the door was opened, leaving the two of you standing before the darkness.

"I will go in first" Draco sighed, no doubt reading your mind. What if his parents had set something on the vault that could injure you?

"Together" you insisted, taking hold of his hand. "I'm a Malfoy too now remember? And we do things together"

Draco didn't protest, because all and all he knew there really was no changing your mind. You closed your eyes as you entered, the darkness completely consuming you. As you walked on through the door, the room somehow lit into a beautiful firelite space. Like there had been some kind of cloaking on the door.

"Wow" you breathed as you let yourself look around the massive room. Gold stacked high on the far right wall, shining like honey in the firelight. To your left there seemed to be stacks and stacks of papers. Books, files, photos, scrolls, everything you could imagine.

"Don't wander too far from me..." Draco spoke, still obviously suspicious.

"Okay" you nodded, letting yourself only step away from him within arms reach.

"Let me see something" Draco reached out, letting his hand rest on a single object. Something small he could hold in his hand. He seemed to brace himself for something, when nothing happened she sighed.

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