Stuck with me

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The next day came and went, Draco didn't say much. You could sense the guilt that rolled through him. Before long you were getting ready to leave the Weasley house. The family had said they were sorry over and over again.

"We will see you when this is all over, you're invited to Christmas at ours okay?" Arthur Weasley hugged both you and Draco. You hoped more than anything that you could be free by then.

Everyone made their rounds, hugging you both close as they said goodbye and cya later's.

"I am sorry I won't be able to come to see you, Harry insisted we can't be seen there. It would give away your location" Ginny frowned, your friendship was so new it seemed almost unfair it was being separated.

"We can write as long as we don't use your name. Are we still using Elenore as your code name?" Hermione asked.

"And Felix for Draco" you nodded, you were going to miss them more than you could explain. You pulled on the dark cloaks, heading out of the back door of their house and into the back alley where a car met you. Taking you to your temporary home.

It was a strange spell, the one that hit the house. It was so fascinating to watch as the building moved like an accordion. Harry in disguise brought you inside, closing the door tightly behind you. The magic must have the house steady because you fully expected it to shake violently as it crunched back together. You all pulled off your robes, the house was dark in light and aesthetic. Deep colors on every surface, from the carpeting to the stain on the wood. It was rather inviting if you were being honest.

"Okay, please remember what I said. I need to leave quickly. There are a few ways out in case of emergency, but keep in mind there is only one way in." Harry instructed, running through your rules again.

After giving us our rules, and explaining where the exits were, Draco shook Harry's hand. Holding it there for a moment. Harry held out his hand to you, instead, you hugged him.

"Thank you for all of this Harry. You really didn't have to do all this" you spoke

"I did. Not only because I am chief, but because you are my friends and you're in danger." Harry had always been willing to do whatever it took for his friends.

"You will have to give yourself the tour, don't expect any deliveries for a week. As far as your neighbors are concerned, an elderly woman lives here." He nods.

"Ok..." Draco spoke, saying goodbye to Harry Potter. His new friend and ally.

"So where do we start?" You ask.

"Let's look at the kitchen? See how flame retardant the furniture is?" He joked lightly, you had only set something on fire once while trying to cook, but he teased you for it relentlessly. Not that you blame him, it was very funny. You both made your way to the kitchen, the fridge was stacked high along with the cupboards. You would definitely be set, for a month even.

"Looks pretty flame resistant to me" Draco smiled at you, though he was joking fine you could tell he was hurting.

"I am ready for bed... wanna search the rest of the house tomorrow?" You asked you were really just looking forward to finally getting him in the bedroom. You needed it.

"Yeah, you go ahead. I am going to grab a shower" He said, making himself a quick glass of water.

You made your way to the room made for you, you only knew because your clothes had been brought there. You rummaged through your new things. Pulling out a new nighty, something soft and silky with a little green on the seems. It was going to drive him crazy, you dressed quick hearing the shower down the hall started. You prepped your hair, crawling into bed. You waited and waited. What one earth was he doing? You sat up in the bed. The water was still running, you laid back down. He shouldn't be much longer. But while you waited, for what felt like forever again. You fell asleep. You dreamed of nothing that night, which really beat the dream you had been having about being trapped in your home as it burnt down. Watching Draco as he tried to reach for you through a doorway you just could never reach.

You woke, unsure of the time. The house being dark was going to make having a decent sleep schedule difficult. Draco lay sleeping in the bed beside you, wearing black sweatpants. You watched him sleep for a long moment, just enjoying him. Your stomach growled, so you finally got up, making your way to the kitchen. You dug around the kitchen before finding something simple, toast with jam. You'd munch away while giving yourself a tour of the rest of the house. You dipped into dark bedrooms and musty hallways. Soon enough you found yourself in a library. You sighed with relief, something to do. You looked at the clock on the wall, it was 1 pm. Draco should be up by now.

You made your way to the bedroom, peeking your head in the bed was empty. Where had he gone? You walked back to the kitchen. Where Draco sat in a chair, a cotton long sleeve button up shirt sat now on what was his bare skin.

"Sleep well?" You asked.

"I did, did you?" he asked, reading what looked like the Daily Prophet.

"I did...' He hadn't said anything about your nightie, maybe you were wrong and he didn't like it. You'd have to remember that. You sat down next to him, leaning up and kissing him on the neck. He smiled at you, but then went back to his paper.

"Are we... ok?" You asked, it wasn't like him to pull away from you.

"Yeah I'm fine" he wasn't in the least bit convincing. You raised an eyebrow at him.

"You know lying to me doesn't work, right?" He sighed at your words, knowing you were right.

"I did this to you..." he started, setting down the paper.

"Did what?" You were so confused, what had been done?

"I fell in love with you and put your life at risk, now we're stuck here"

"Is that why you took forever to come to bed last night?" He didn't reply, instead, he watched his hands. "Over me already?" He looked at you, wide-eyed.

"You know that isn't it..." he tried to justify

"Well, it must be, because MY Draco would have just come and talked to me. And he would know that I would never blame him for any of this because it's NOT his fault."

"Your Draco..." he frowned "that's the problem y/n... I am your Draco, but I am also that Draco. The one who joined alongside the Dark Lord as he tried to take over the wizarding world, I am the same one who couldn't just man up and do what was asked of me. So now you're in danger, and I can handle every other death in the world. I can't handle yours. I won't make it. I just won't"

"You are that person, you are that wonderful person who couldn't kill, that wonderful person who may have literally saved the whole world from The Dark Lord. I wouldn't have made it even this far if he had won. You know that." You looked him in his eyes, engraving it into him. You both had worked so hard for one another, there was no way in hell you were going to let him get away with backing away now because he blamed himself. "And as for me dying, it's not happening anytime soon. So you're fucking stuck with me"

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