Will you..?

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"What about your birthday?" You asked, sitting at the kitchen table. You had been trying to figure out a date for this wedding since the week after he proposed. Even just do you had a time frame.

"What about yours?" You rolled your eyes, Draco knew you hadn't celebrated your birthday since your dad died. "Come on. Then you can forget about the birthday thing and just focus on it being our wedding day, and anniversaries."

"But a Halloween wedding? Isn't it a little cheesy?"

"I think it's perfect. Black tie affair, with dark candles and everything. Elegant Halloween"

"Elegant Halloween?" You laughed. You thought for a second. "Why do I kinda like it?"

And just like that the date had been chosen 10 months to plan a wedding... You had no idea what to even do next. Invites? No... save the dates? Maybe.

You called someone who would know, Ginny.

"Hey Gin, I have a question"

"What's up?"

"So Draco and I have decided on a date" you had the phone away from your ear she was screeching so loudly.

"When when when?" She asked.

"Uhh. Halloween"

"You would choose Halloween! I love it! That's 10 months away we have so much to do!"

"That's why I'm calling actually. I have no idea where to even start."

"I am on my way over now." She clicked the phone hard. She would be here any second, and you had no idea if Draco had pants on. You ran into the livingroom, no sign of him. You yelled to the stairs.


"Okayyyy" you heard him call back. You luckily had just slipped some joggers and your y/i Weasley sweater.

Ginny was at your door before you could finish eating the water in the pot. She was fast.

"Come in" you waved your wand allowing for the back door to unlock. She wandered in, peeking around the room.

"Your house is really starting to come together" she smiled at the slight decorations you'd hung. A little out of her aesthetic but perfect for you two.

"So let's talk wedding" she seemed positively giddy with excitement.

"Hermione and I are planning the bridal party. So don't worry about that one, we need to get some photos done if you'd like. And your dress..."

Oh yeah, the dress. You had barely thought about that.

"I have a few places in mind. I have a couple friends from Gryffindor who design and would definitely design you a gown if you'd like."

"I honestly have never really thought too much about the dress. Draco and I have kind of decided we'd do a dark aesthetic"

"We will go to the dress shop together next week. We can look over some ideas and see maybe what they have in store? I will write my friend today" Ginny smiled, the rest of the evening was spent talking. drinking tea and planning.

"Hey Ginny." You stopped her as she talked on and on about food.

"What's up?"

"Would you like to be my Maid of Honor?"

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