To Rot

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You were on the way to the Ministry before long, you both packed a change of clothes into a small suitcase. The ride was short when you got to a small red phone booth. The closest entrance to the ministry. Harry rushed you both in, the space was far too small for 3 people. You were stuck between Draco and Harry. How looked away, Harry clicked a few buttons and you were off.

In an instant, you were stumbling out of a fireplace, next to a row of others. The floor was silent, it was the middle of the day so everyone was working. Harry took you two to the lowest level, where Blaise was being kept.

He sat on the other side of the glass, one-way mirror. Mumbling to himself, he looked mad. He was strapped to a chair.

"He tried to attack one of my men. Bit his face. We had no choice but to strap him down" Harry explained as he saw you look at the braces. You nodded, you knew Harry wouldn't be cruel if he didn't have to be, and it seemed like he definitely had to be.

"So as you see. This is what he does, he sits here for hours and talks to himself. Having a conversation with someone. He insisted it's Voldemort in his head telling him what to do." He was right, Blaise muttered full sentences to himself, then would pause and listen as if he was waiting for a response which you guess he got because he would start talking again.

"He says your name sometimes y/n, and obviously yours Draco, I was hoping you both could listen and see if you could make sense of what he is saying. Especially you Draco, see if anything he is saying makes any sense to what happened back then. Stuff that he shouldn't know."

"Do you think he really is talking to someone?" Draco didn't understand.

"Voldemort is powerful, he took me back in time, lived off Quirel, and managed to be entirely resurrected once. What's to stop him from trying again?" Harry was serious. His face was flat, he was worried.

"Yeah, let's just listen" Draco sat, Harry waved his wand, which somehow made the sounds of Blaises whispering louder.

"He's not saying anything you couldn't get from your book, Harry. It's all stuff he could find out that way. And the other stuff, none of it makes sense. Some of it never even happened" Draco was relieved. This was just a mad man, stuck on a false savior. Then he started talking about you.

"Yes my lord, I will get the girl. She will listen to me as I do you dark lord" you felt sick in your stomach. Then he started mumbling gross, obscene things. About what he would do when he finally caught you. You had to stand, you tried hard not to throw up. Draco was shaking in anger as he spoke, listening to him ramble on about you.

"Let me in there Harry" Draco insisted.

"No Draco, first off, we can confirm he's a threat now. But we need him alive until we're sure everyone was caught."

"But how can you sit here and listen to him talk about her like that? Has he said these things before?" Draco spoke with his hands, clearly upset.

"It's disturbing stuff, yes Draco I know. And yes, he has..."

"And you had her sit through it? What the fuck?"

"No, Draco. It's fine. I needed to hear it." You stopped him. Harry knew what he was doing, so he had to have had you do it for a reason. Draco stared at you, making sure you were really okay. "I am fine, I promise. The whole... eating my tongue thing just got to me" you shuddered. Draco also started looking ill, his face paling. He shook it off. The things he said might just end up giving you both nightmares.

"I want him to rot for what he did to Elenore" you leaned on the ledge next to the glass. Watching him through it.

"He will" Harry set his hand on your shoulder "and for a long time" While killing house-elves still didn't equate to much jail time. Attempted murder and arson sure did.

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