Coming Onto me

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You had to admit you were drunk. You and Draco were hanging onto each other at the table. It had become a night of celebration. Your friends buy drink after drink to celebrate your engagement. You were all sloppy, kissing your significant others and hugging your friends.

It was late into the morning when people started leaving. Holding you both for a little too long each time they said goodbye.

"Let's go home" you ran your fingers over Draco's lips, biting yours. He raised his brows at you, kissing your neck lightly as you sat in his lap.

"Please take me home" you whispered to him. Pulling his face away from your neck and to your face. Kissing long and slow.

You were the last two of your group at the table.

"Sorry you two, it's closing time" the bartender called.

"We're so sorry. Come on" Draco set you gentle on your feet then, pulling your hand out onto the street. Where you kissed one another, hailing a cab was going to be hard this time of night.

"Maybe we just take the tubes!" Draco pointed to a close subway station.

"Uhh... okay." You only took the tubes when you really had too, and right now I guess you really had to. You had gotten your car back, and figured you just leave it until morning. It wasn't alone there so it should be okay.

You and Draco made your way to the subway, an empty subway block waiting for the coming train. He had his hand resting on the small of your back.

"Look at the haaaaaappppyyy couple" a voice called to you. You turned then, seeing an all too familiar face. Pansy Parkinson.

"Hi Pansy...." you rolled your eyes, you hoped to never see her again after Diagon Alley.

"What, now I'm not worthy of even talking to?" She finished walking down the stairs. It seemed to be only the three of you on the platform until it wasn't. The platform became scattered with dark cloaks, faces covered. Something was very wrong.

"See boys. You live in the shadows, gathering dust as Draco Malfoy runs free. Happy. And due to get married!" She was laughing then.

"Does sound very fair to me" one of the voices spoke.

"Me either" Pansy smiled, watching the faces.

"While you may have lost your wands. I'm sure there are other ways you can thank them." Was Pansy some kind of ring leader?

The figured walked close to you. You and Draco both pulled out your wands, to their surprise.

"How did YOU manage to get another wand, Malfoy?" one of the voices asked, obviously surprised.

"Because I'm not a fucking moron like you," Draco stood at his battle stance ready to fight. You have never been too good at defense against magic. Defense against brute force however you could handle. At least that's what you thought.

Before you could manage much you received a punch to the head. A cheap blow seeing as you didn't see him coming. You could help but be knocked down, your knees heading to the ground when you felt a knee to the face. Breaking your nose.

"Stupify!" Draco yelled as someone tackled him. Taking out the man who kneed you. Draco wrestled with the guy for only a moment before sending him flying. You were on the grounds on all fours when you say a pair of heels, looking up at Pansy as your nose bled, she smiled.

"You're a pathetic excuse for a witch, and a Slytherin" she was smiling. You had bit your lip when you got hit, it was already swollen. You got to your feel shakily, your fingers gripped tightly on your wand. You could hear Draco behind you, fending off as many people as he could manage.

"Try and hex me, I dare you" Pansy was taunting, but wandless.

"Where's your wand, Pansy? Lose it like you lost your fucking mind?" Your words were sloppy over your busted lip and the stream of blood still leaving your nose.

"No. Actually, the ministry broke my wand when I wouldn't give them information on the rouge death eaters" she wasn't expecting what was coming next in the slightest. Since you held your wand in your left, you had something special for her with your dominant hand. You swung, feeling the side of her ear hard. Soon you were in a full one fist fight. At one point she grabbed a fist full of your hair.

"Are we fighting? Or are you coming into me?" You kicked her hard, her hand ripping some hair but relaxing the rest. Her ankle was broken, she lay on the ground. While she was down you turned to help Draco. Who was trying to fend off 4 men with his wand.

"Experiamus" you yelled, sending one man flying onto the subway tracks. You and Draco were nearly done fighting off the crowd when Pansy dumped on you again, her fingernails digging into your face.

"Fuck!" You screamed and she pulled and kicked and try hard to yet you down. "Come here you fucking bitch" you grabbed her by surprise when you took two large handfuls of her hair. Ripping her to the ground.

You held your wand out.

"Do it. Kill me. Show Draco who the real monster is" Pansy spat.

"This is still about Draco?" She pretended to care about some weird utopia just to get back at Draco? "You really are a sad fucking person. And I would be doing the world a favor by killing you" your wand was ready, it felt like it was rattling in your hand. You were pulled away by the sounds of Draco groaning, the man held him by his throat to the ground. Draco's wand was just out of reach. Draco was obviously struggling as the man squeezed, his eyes watering.

"Stupidify" you yelled, sending the man off of Draco and into a large brick pillar, his body cracked as he made contact.

"Draco!" You ran to him, kneeling he was breathing but his eyes were bloodshot. He nodded as you knelt to him, signaling he was okay. He tried to warn you as the heel of a shoe struck your shoulder, piercing your skin you ripped it from your shoulder, turning and using the only spell you could think of.


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