Part 1

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Just like every other day. The office is busy as usual. My regular coffee waiting for me at my desk. It's just normal. To me.  

But to anyone who doesn't work here, they'd think they were in a Men In Black movie.  

Working as a secret agent at only 18 must be a record. Also being one of the only girls to work here. One of them.  

"Hi Sarah!" Cindy bubbles, coming towards me with clipboard in hand.  

"What's the agenda?" I ask taking a sip of the scolding hot coffee.  

"Normal as usual. You have to go test out some new weapons. You have to talk to HQ about your latest mission. Like the evidence, the crime scene, investigation information-" I cut off her chatter.  

"Yeah, yeah. What else?" I say losing patience.  

"Um, and there's a meeting with the Commander." She finishes.  

"Thank you. You could, do whatever you do." I say dismissing her.  

"Alright bye Sarah." Cindy says scurrying away.  

I start to just fiddle around with my pens. I'm not on any missions now. On vacation for once. So there isn't any work.  

"Hey Sarah." Jeremy, one of my partners, says. "Great job on the last mission. As usual." 

"It's a gift." I say looking at a pen which is far more interesting than this conversation.  

All the time 'Sarah! You're such a good agent.' 'Congratulations on your last success!' 'You have to teach me how to diffuse a bomb!' 

"So how many missions has it been? 20? 30?" He guesses.  

"47 successes. 0 failures." I say pride in my voice.  

"I've only had 22 successes and 8 failures." He says feeling ashamed.  

"You need experience." I say getting up.  

"Yeah. I was wondering if I could learn from a pro..." He says trailing off, following me from behind.  

"I think the Commander would be too busy." I reply heading for the weapons testing area.  

"I was actually thinking if you could teach me." He says with hopefulness.  

"Sorry but I'm not a tutor. You have to learn from your own experience like I did. Besides I'm too busy." I answer.  

"Oh, well, if you aren't busy-" 

"Sorry not available." I cut him off walking into the area with Cindy waiting for me.  

"Hey Jeremy." She says waving shyly. He walks away leaving just me and Cindy.  

"What do I test?" I say looking around.  

"Here." She says giving me a rack of very expensive looking equipment.  

I just grab one and shoot it at a dummy. 

"It works." I say handing Cindy the weapon.  

"So, how are you and Jeremy?" She asks.  

"What do you mean?" I say shooting another dummy. "Works." 

"I mean, like, you two have been partners for a while and are growing pretty close and all...." She trails off.  

"And?" I say grabbing another weapon. "Works." I grab another weapon from the pile.  

"Like are you like boyfriend and girlfriend?" Cindy assumes.  

I miss the dummy and aim for the ceiling instead which turns it into a liquids goo.  

"Excuse me?" I start out calm but go on a rage. "Why would you ever assume that?! I have no personal relations with him! He is just my partner in missions. Just another spy like everyone else. I will not or will ever have relations with anybody!"  

I see her shrink down.  

"Disfunctional." I say dropping the weapon on her, storming out.  

As I'm walking into the main office with many computers and screens, I hear: 

"Agent Sarah Parks to the Commander's office. Repeat, Sarah Parks to the Commander's office." 

"Wonderful." I grumble to myself in a frustrated tone.  

I stomp towards his office with everyone staring at me. I try to calm down. I'm just overreacting. Calm down. Keep calm and carry on.  

I walk into his office calm and poised. Then I saw Genevieve.  

"Sarah. Take a seat." Commander says. "Where's Cindy?" 

"Here I am!" She says walking into the private office.  

I sat down in one of the very uncomfortable modern chairs. I sat at one head of the elongated table with the Commander directly across. Genevieve sat at one of his sides and Cindy at the other. 

"We've gotten a call about someone planning on murdering someone." He begins.  

"Oh no! Who?" Cindy asks actually interested.  

"I'm not sure if any of you ladies have heard of the band One Direction?" The commander says looking at all of us.

---------------------------------------------A/N: Yay! First part of a new story. I hope you like this fanfic. I've been trying to think of some interesting ideas. So yeah tell your friends to read, your friends cousins, your friends cousins mom, you friends cousins mothers great read this!!! Thank you

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