Part 30

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After a few minutes Harry had and the others had to go get changed for the show. Lou was finishing up on my makeup with baby Lux watching her mother intently.

"You look gorgeous Jennifer. But ate you just going to wear sweats?" Lou asked me.

"I really didn't have time to change. Do you think there's any clothes that I could borrow?" I asked hoping there wouldn't be anything too slutty.

"Yeah I could go find you something." She said putting away all her makeup supplies. "Follow me."

I followed her towards the back back stage where there were dressing rooms and things. She led me to a rack of many different types of clothes.

"Pick out anything you like. They should all fit you." She said gesturing to it.

"Thank you." I smiled.

She smiled back to me then went off looking for the ever wandering Lux.

I started to look through the rack. Slutty, slutty, tacky, furry, slutty, slutty, slutty. All of the items were all very short. I settled on some black high waisted shorts and a sequenced shirt. Pretty cute.

I began to search for a dressing room to get ready in. I saw a nearby one so I opened the door with my back facing the door with the clothes in my hand. When I closed the door and turned to the room, I saw a half naked Harry getting ready.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry." I said shielding my eyes but peeking through a bit. I began to blush furiously.

He chuckled. "No it's alright Jen. What did you need?"

"I needed somewhere to change." I said turning around facing the door.

"I'll be done in a second." He replied.

"Okay. I'll just wait outside." I said about to turn the knob.

"It's alright. I don't mind." He said cheekily.

"No that's alright." I said beating myself up inside.

"I won't be long." He said.

"Great." I said before closing the door. Why the heck am I not taking this opportunity?! Stop it Sarah! Don't be crazy.

"Hey Jen!" I heard a familiar voice call.

"Oh hey Zayn." I said facing the voice'a direction.

"I think you need to use a dressing room." He smirked at me.

"You heard that conversation?" I asked embarrassed.

"I saw it." He said leading me to his dressing room.

The room hair mirrors everywhere and two dressing rooms like that of a store with a couch in the middle.

"Thanks Zayn." I said going into one of the small booths.

"Mind if I just have a small chat with you?" Zayn asked me flopping onto the couch.

"Of course. Whenever we have conversations I feel like I gain some wisdom." I said closing the door and beginning to undress.

He chuckled. "So Jen, what was your first impression on Harry?"



"Well I thought he was a spoiled player boy."

"Really? Why is that?"

"He's just a really famous guy at a young age who had every girl on earth ready to marry him. Seemed like he'd have a big ego." I replied slipping my shirt off.

"Oh. That's harsh. But I understand I guess." Zayn said. "But you shouldn't judge a book by its cover."

"Yeah I've heard that a million times." I said changing into the shorts.

"I'm serious. I know you've spent enough time with him to know he's not like that." I could see the smirk on his face through the door.

"I've known him for a week Zayn. It's not like its been a year." I said.

"I know but it probably feels like it." He said.

I knew he was right. It's felt like I've known Harry all my life. It's just so easy to vent out everything to him.

"True." I said softly slipping my shirt on.

"I could see Jarry happening." Zayn said.

"Jarry?" I asked.

"Yeah. Like when people are a couple and you put their name together like my girlfriend Perrie and I. Zerrie." He said.

"We're not a couple." I said.

"I know but you could be."

"No we can't."

"Why not?"

"Because....I need to keep my professional reputation and not have relationship with my client."

"Who said Harry would let you get a different job?"

Wow he was good. He really did get me thinking. But Harry doesn't like me that way. We're just....very intimate friends.

I came out of the booth and and went to face one of the many mirrors.

"You look beautiful." Zayn said smiling through the mirror still seated on the couch.

"Thanks Zayn. You look great too." I said walking to him then ruffling his hair.

"Hey hey hey! I just got it done." Zayn said trying to straighten it out.

"Oops sorry. And good luck on your show." I said.

He stood up. "Thanks love." He gave me a quick hug then went out to finish up his hair I just ruined.

I sat down on the couch, contemplating. Thinking about Harry and I. What status were we at? Are we in a relationship? No we can't. It's against the rules. Stupid rules.

Then someone walked in the door. Speak of the devil.

"Ello love." He said with smile, sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Hey Harry." I said quietly, looking up at him.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Just a bit dizzy." I said.

"Need medicine?" He asked.

"Nope it's not that bad. I just had a small headache." I stood up. "By the way, good luck on tonight."

"Thanks. I'll need it." He said looking down while scratching the back of his head.

"No you don't." I took his chin and lifted up his eyes to me. "You're insecure, don't know what for."

He smiled shyly looking down but then back up to me, studying my appearance. "You look gorgeous by the way."

"Thanks. You don't look half bad either." I said studying his appearance. "But aren't those pants a bit tight?" I asked looking at the tight black skinnies.

"No. I think they're quite comfy actually." He said looking at the pants.

"Just make sure you don't hip thrust like Louis." I said thinking of the possibilities.

He chuckled. "I won't."

It was awkward silence for a little with Harry's shuffling feet the only noise.

"You should go get ready with the boys by now." I said breaking the silence.

"Yeah. I'll see you later Jen." He said with a smile slightly looking up with his curls still hanging.

"See you." I said with my head down, slightly looking up with my hair hiding my peering eyes.

He left the room and left me to collapse and think.

And the first thought was my shoes do not match my outfit.

---------------------------------------------A/N: Concert is up next. Different P.O.V.s coming so don't get confused. And please vote, fan, comment, and keep reading. THANK YOU FOR OVER 700 READS!!!!

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